I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


That's it...

I began to watch The Gilmore Girls on DVD with my Mum and some four years and seven series later, Mark and I have  just watched the last episode.

I think it's time to start with Episode One, Series One all over again.  I suppose you could say we're hooked...


New Feature!

I still intend to maintain my 365 blog on blogger, posting a photo every day, just as I have been doing since January 1st.  However, I've added a new feature here.

You might notice 365 has appeared up in the navigation bar?  Why not click on that link and see where it takes you?

More content will appear now I've worked out how to do it!


Predictable, moi?

Choosing a banner image for my blog was fairly easy.  I simply looked through my photos from the last month or two and chose an image I liked but which also looked as though it would work.  As I did, I remembered Sue's comment when I posted it - "Your colours".

Well, yes.  I've always liked the pink/green combination, describing it as "rhubarb" (something else I love!)  But it was only when I was ironing and putting clothes away today that I noticed something else in the airing cupboard.

Downstairs again, my eyes hit on the washing drying on the rack.







As I ironed the red and green shirt and hung it up with the other clothes to take upstairs, it really did emphasise a point.

Am I an expert in colour co-ordination or stuck in a rut?


Getting there

A few small triumphs on the blog front.

  • I've realised the need to resize photographs before I import them.  I'd got lazy in Blogger and simply uploaded them as is.  However, I've downloaded the new version of Picasa which offers an option to export to a folder ready for upload - a timely update if ever there was one.  But I'm still working on the most efficient way of getting photos into my blog.  Bear with me.
  • Mark has redirected the site traffic to my new url  www.elegantsufficiency.org - please adjust your bookmarks accordingly!
  • I've taken away the confusing "login" link - as I'm the only contributor to the site, I'm the only one who needs to see that.
  • I've learned about (and changed) my favicon.  There.  Didn't even know what it was called an hour ago and I'm already in the "advanced" menu.
  • I'm currently working on a 365 gallery which will eventually be here too, but for the foreseeable future, my 365 blog will stay on Blogger.  there's a link to it on my "links" in the sidebar.

I would appreciate all comments - click on the "comments" link below and remind me of something I've forgotten or which isn't working properly.

I'm really delighted with the features and ease of use of the Squarespace interface.  In fact, I feel quite - to use a favourite American expression - pumped! 

Not only that, the socks are coming along nicely too.  I'll show you them in a bit - when I get the photo bit sorted.


A New Adventure

With a pretty full diary in the coming weeks and things at home to sort out, what have I decided to do?  Move my blog!  Well, it's a rainy Saturday and the washing machine doesn't need me to interfere too much, I hope.

Anyway, in the last few weeks, as I've posted photographs and stories of our travels, I've become aware of the slight flakiness of Blogger.  Don't get me wrong - I still think it's a great tool for simple blogging and will continue to use it.  But as I've got three years worth of valuable (to me) blog sitting there with no easy way of backup, I thought I'd explore an alternative and signed up with Squarespace for a free trial.

Very impressed so far.  Lots to tweak, much to learn.  But quite straightforward, the "create" interface is remarkably familiar and the ease of use comes as a relief.  I've managed to import the whole of my blogger blog across in seconds and I think I'm committed enough to sign up for a paid account pretty soon.

It's a powerful beast though and I can see it being a great new toy to fiddle with.