Predictable, moi?

Choosing a banner image for my blog was fairly easy. I simply looked through my photos from the last month or two and chose an image I liked but which also looked as though it would work. As I did, I remembered Sue's comment when I posted it - "Your colours".
Well, yes. I've always liked the pink/green combination, describing it as "rhubarb" (something else I love!) But it was only when I was ironing and putting clothes away today that I noticed something else in the airing cupboard.
Downstairs again, my eyes hit on the washing drying on the rack.
As I ironed the red and green shirt and hung it up with the other clothes to take upstairs, it really did emphasise a point.

Am I an expert in colour co-ordination or stuck in a rut?
Reader Comments (2)
Like this new blog :) Am thinking of changing my blog and web site across, Can you tell me what level you have for the blog? Thanks Helen
Helen, I've emailed you privately about it all.
I'm glad you like the new look.