A New Adventure

With a pretty full diary in the coming weeks and things at home to sort out, what have I decided to do? Move my blog! Well, it's a rainy Saturday and the washing machine doesn't need me to interfere too much, I hope.
Anyway, in the last few weeks, as I've posted photographs and stories of our travels, I've become aware of the slight flakiness of Blogger. Don't get me wrong - I still think it's a great tool for simple blogging and will continue to use it. But as I've got three years worth of valuable (to me) blog sitting there with no easy way of backup, I thought I'd explore an alternative and signed up with Squarespace for a free trial.
Very impressed so far. Lots to tweak, much to learn. But quite straightforward, the "create" interface is remarkably familiar and the ease of use comes as a relief. I've managed to import the whole of my blogger blog across in seconds and I think I'm committed enough to sign up for a paid account pretty soon.
It's a powerful beast though and I can see it being a great new toy to fiddle with.

Following a couple of comments that the photo took an age to load, I've fiddled a bit with the settings and tried again. Hope this one is better.
Need some practice in getting it right. Dorothy, it ought to open a larger version of the photo if you click on it. If it doesn't there's still tweaking to be done!

Reader Comments (2)
Well done Gill, The picture of pears took a long tim,e to reveal itself..... but the rest of the photos from blogger were there straight away. Will you put a link to your photo blog? Will this comment appear.. Ok lets see.........
Looks good Gill but the photo took an age to load for me as well.
Are you goimg to transfer all your blogs?