I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Being creative?


I can't resist a challenge when it's set by someone as talented and creative as Maggie Grey.  That's why this morning a soggy Argos catalogue lies by our woodpile, alongside the pathway beaten down by various foxes, badgers and other inhabitants of our garden.


Like me, you'll have to wait and see!



1. The first conker of the year, rescued from under my wheel as I parked in the supermarket car park this morning.

2. The jubilee clip which fell apart, allowing a hose in my car engine to come loose and discharge a radiator full of water a quarter of a mile from home this morning.

3. (not shown)  Me, a  "damsel in distress" (his words, not mine) by a kind young man who followed my steaming car, diagnosed the cause, repaired it and insisted on following  home to make sure it was ok.  One of those rare, genuine and generous people who go out of their way for others.


Hertfordshire weekend

We've just got back from a couple of days in Hertfordshire, with Mark's choir, the Stuart Singers

Several highlights during the weekend, including a visit to St Albans cathedral  where it was Heritage Weekend and as a result, plenty to see.  I really enjoyed the altar frontals, kneelers and vestments on show and though some of our fitter friends chose to climb the tower, Mark and I stayed at ground level and found so many interesting things to see.  We loved the temporary Nave Screen but the identities of every one of those figures eluded us - how pleased we were to find the key!

Delicious lunch in Hatching Green yesterday, at the White Horse.  Funny how we all chose our main course independently of one another and when it arrived, we found all four men had ordered the belly pork and crackling!  Is it a "man thing"?

Photos on my Flickr page if you are interested.


Love this


The best biscuits ever

It's my turn to be tea-girl at my WI meeting tonight and rather than bringing a packet of biscuits I decided to go back to old traditions and bake some.  Looking through my recipes I came across this all time favourite, known in this household as Rupert Bear biscuits.  That's because, when Edward was very small, his friend James was met most days by his mother, a very talented artist, with a bag of these biscuits to share.  When she wrote the recipe out for us, she did so on a beautifully hand drawn Rupert shape.  Alison, we still treasure that little Rupert Bear nearly as much as your biscuit recipe!

They're crunchy and oaty and so easy to make.  Nadine, perhaps you'd like to try this recipe and see what you think?

Rupert Bear Biscuits - Alison's recipe

4oz butter

3oz sugar

1oz golden syrup

4oz self raising flour

2oz porridge oats

Set over to 325F/160C/Gas 3.   Melt the butter, sugar and syrup gently over a low heat.  Mix dry ingredients into a bowl.  Make a well in the centre and pour in liquid.  Mix well.

Drop heaped teaspoonsful onto a lightly greased baking tray leaving a 2" gap between each spoonful to allow biscuits to spread. 

Bake 15 to 20 mins until golden.