We've just got back from a couple of days in Hertfordshire, with Mark's choir, the Stuart Singers

Several highlights during the weekend, including a visit to St Albans cathedral where it was Heritage Weekend and as a result, plenty to see. I really enjoyed the altar frontals, kneelers and vestments on show and though some of our fitter friends chose to climb the tower, Mark and I stayed at ground level and found so many interesting things to see. We loved the temporary Nave Screen but the identities of every one of those figures eluded us - how pleased we were to find the key!
Delicious lunch in Hatching Green yesterday, at the White Horse. Funny how we all chose our main course independently of one another and when it arrived, we found all four men had ordered the belly pork and crackling! Is it a "man thing"?
Photos on my
Flickr page if you are interested.