I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)



Amongst the less interesting purchases (ziplock bags, koolaid and other permanent fixtures on my US shopping list) I unpacked a few goodies when we arrived home.

There's a short length of a fun fabric spotted in Purl Patchwork which will make a cute little bag for a small friend.  The Interweave Felt contains a pattern from the Shibori Knits book which tempted me but didn't quite convince - maybe I'll give the scarf a try and see how I feel after a few months.  Couldn't resist the little Japanese polar bears to needlefelt and had a similar lack of resistance the minute I picked up that skein of yarn - or was that Jordi's fault?

A curious fibre mix, n'est-ce pas? But oh, so soft.


Isn't it an amazing colour, too?

Oh, and yes, that is an edamame pod in the picture.  Well, a visit to Kinokunya results in all kinds of amusement!


Strings of pearls


The garden is covered with dew-laden spiders' webs this morning and though they are fairly typical of a misty September morning such as this one, I don't think I've ever seen them in such quantity.

I went out into the garden before going out shopping to take some photographs.  As we came home, I had to go out to take more.

The photographs will enlarge if you click on them - but sorry, the spiders get bigger too!


Back to work

Home from New York on Wednesday, I spent yesterday at the second face-to-face session of the training I've been doing and then today back to work, faciliating a tutor training session with my colleague, Jane at Artshape in Gloucester. The usual late-September dilemma of what to wear, made harder by the jet-lagged slow start this morning.

But whilst I was in New York, I scored a great bargain in the form of this Gap jacket (sorry, "short sleeved pea coat") at almost half price and found it fitted the bill perfectly this morning.  I can't remember the last time I shopped in Gap!

Now I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend and a bit of sorting out. I might even reveal another purchase or two.


New York Street Art

One of the great advantages of having a like minded friend in New York City is that she knows where all the interesting stuff is to be found.




A walk around Chelsea streets offers plenty of photo opps.  After a few shots, it becomes clear that some street artists work in series - notice the Autumn leaves collages?



So many corners, so little time, so much to see.


Autumn arrives

We arrived in late Summer. 

At 11.44am yesterday, however, Autumn officially arrived here.

Did we notice?  There are places which remain fascinating, regardless of the season.

The sunshine continued - here in the new traffic-calmed area of 7th Ave in the Fashion District.