I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Interesting place to work #3

This afternoon I was working here , another place where the visual interest is a bit of a distraction from the main agenda - tutor training!  Next time, I'd like to sit on top of that paddle steamer for a better view - see the chairs arranged on the deck?

Of course, the sky didn't stay that colour for long...by which time I was thankful for the roof over my head and the tray of cakes that were brought in at half time.  The tutors' interest perked up then, too!

Tomorrow I'm working somewhere even more off my beaten path.  You'll have to wait to see where.




I am lucky in that my work is often in the most visually interesting places.  Today I was at Prema in Uley, where this wall is very much in the Cotswolds but is not a Cotswold wall you'd immediately recognise!


Another photograph of this beautifully decorated wall is on my photo a day blog


Clever cardboard box

But I don't think they really mean this box, but the box which was inside: a Sky+ box. 

sigh The trouble with living with a pedant for 28 years is that I'm fast becoming one myself.


Sign of the times?

Seen stapled to a telegraph pole in the village this morning.


One more treasure from the trip

Found this little gizmo in the City Quilter and thought it worth a try.  Got out the old felting needles when I got home, played about a bit and, bingo - the result is revealed in my picture of the day yesterday.


Set me thinking that I could use one of my large collection of cookie cutters to do the same job.  Hmmm....