I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Glorious day

It's been a simply glorious late summer day here, perfect for a walk in the park

where a book fair was sponsored by a chocolate company

and where the authors were delightfully friendly, his book intriguing


A day full of fun, art, books, chocolate, books, more chocolate, laughter, sunshine, art and Chicos ,  after which we took the bus downtown and ate supper in the fresh air of  Madison Square at our favourite Shake Shack.  It was still light as we joined the end of the queue, dark when we got to eat.  Was the queue long or what?

After nightcap Mojitos in the Algonquin down the street, Jordi's headed home.  Happy days.


Today's post is brought to you from...


Spending money

But not all mine...

When friends learned I was coming here, a few shopping lists were shared. 

I won't publish guilty secrets though.  You know who you are.


We are here

The city is looking wonderful in fine, clear late Summer weather.  Jordi is in fine fettle, ready to run round with us armed with a little book full of addresses.

This is going to be fun.

Dinner at the Red Cat last night was everything she'd led us to expect.  I managed to stay awake to place an order and the banana ice cream sandwich was the best cure for jetlag ever.



When I am an old woman I’ll wear a big notice around my neck with a reminder to back up my computer frequently...

I’ll not panic when Mark shouts up to me in the kitchen “your computer was making a funny noise and just went phttt....”

I’ll not go into meltdown myself because there’s a cake in the oven and mushroom soup on the hob....

I'll stay calm even though we are going off later on today and I ought to be packing.

I'll not get cross with that little box which keeps nagging me with the words "It is x days since you backed up your computer" and x is a number rather larger than 10.

I put the kettle on and make a cup of coffee before strolling down and surveying the situation myself.

I won't even panic about the horrible smell of hot plastic which is coming from the back of my computer.


After a week of saying "I must back my computer up", I actually did it last night so everything was saved. Not only that, but Mark's call to the Sony Viao helpline gave him all the information he needed to restore the system completely and incredibly, half an hour later, all is back to normal.

You have no idea how happy this household is now.

I write this blog post this morning as a gentle reminder to "Back up your data. Start doing it now" (apologies) I had a (very) lucky escape just now.

Oh, and the cake is yummy by the way.  The recipe is here