I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


To work

Sadly, it can't all be about meeting friends and having fun - today there was work to be done.

Most of the day we were freezing - the large doors to the exhibition hall were wide open and it was blowing a gale through them. So, keep moving and get on with it! The advantage was that we were finished by 4.30pm, the earliest ever.

The show opens tomorrow and hopefully the doors will remain firmly closed and we will stay cosy warm. We will see...


Meeting a friend

The day dawned bright here in Glasgow and a fine morning to walk down to Sauchiehall Street for breakfast in the Willow Tea Rooms.

A Scottish breakfast of porridge, fruit, coffee and a shot of Drambuie!

Then off to meet Sally, long time online chum. Would we recognise one another? Of course we would!
We went in search of culture to the "House for an Art Lover" in Bellahouston Park. Good job Sally knew the way!

This was an amazing place to spend a few hours, with beautiful interiors and a fascinating display of sketches and designs in progress.

The contrasts between the light, airy rooms filled with sunshine and painted in pale colours and the dark, wood panelled rooms with strong lines and amazing light fittings were magical.

We loved it so much we felt immediately hungry! What a good job there was a simply stunning place to eat there....and we joined the stylish people and became ladies who lunched. Yummy!

Culture Vultures such as ourselves need to seize every opportunity so we headed to the Burrell Collection after lunch and enjoyed a quick whizz around the "must sees". I loved the glass walls and the feeling that the museum blended into the woods so easily.

And the stumpwork and 16th century embroidery was all the better for not being part of our C&G work!

We drove back into the city and went our separate ways - what a great day out and what fun to spend time with a like minded friend.

Time then to begin work as I met up with my colleagues and headed to the exhibition centre to start setting up the show. We worked till 8 and got a good start. Taking the taxi drivers recommendation we ate at Shenaz Indian restaurant tonight - great food and delightful atmosphere. We enjoyed it so much that we booked for Saturday night too!


In Glasgow


We are in Glasgow with the Textile Treasures. Actually, to be pedantic, we haven't met up yet - I guess the treasures are somewhere en route and expect to meet them in the SECC tomorrow afternoon sometime.

As we flew up from Birmingham, the snow was covering much of the northern part of England, though thankfully, by the time we reached Glasgow there was little to be seen. It's chilly, however.

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It's Mothering Sunday

So the boy came home...armed with chocolates and flowers for his Mummy. No teacher to guide the making of a card any more, no wife to steer the choice of gift...just his own good taste to lead him to this lovely bunch of my favourite tulips.

As for the chocolates, well it seems that passing the shop in Camden Passage is torture enough, so an excuse to try these yummy artisan chocolates with curious flavours such as marmite and guinness, raspberry and dark chocolate truffles was seized upon - and I'm glad that I was that excuse!!

Mark and Edward cooked Sunday lunch for Bettine and I - and best of all, washed up afterwards too.

Well, Mark did, anyway. Edward had the two of us to entertain with "tales of the office" and other such delights. Oh, and chocolates to sample...


I know they are here somewhere

but where?

I really hate losing things, and don't - very often, because I'm an organised kind of person. When something does go missing, I can usually track it down by means of visualisation, working out when I had it last or simply going through the whole house methodically. Fortunately I don't have to resort to that option very frequently!

On this occasion, however, I'm stumped. I've seen that pesky little Ziploc bag of plastic rings very recently and can visualise exactly what I'm looking for. I know the kind of place it must be - inside a box of similar craft components, with jewellery or button-making things. But I've looked through all my drawers and cupboards, opened up every box more than once and they are simply not to be found.


And yet, they were somewhere here only days ago.


But I did find something for Maggie.

It's in the post.