I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Meeting Maggie

To Cirencester today for a haircut and a coffee with Maggie, in the newly refurbished Brewery Arts. Conversation led to work in progress and Maggie's need for small plastic curtain rings. "Oh I've got loads...I'll put some in the post to you" said I, knowing that I'd found a bagfull when looking in vain for my small red-handled jewellery tools last week. I've just spent a happy hour looking in every cupboard, every box in my studio and can I find the plastic rings? Of course not!

But look what was staring me in the face when I opened the drawer in my worktable.

Now, what to look for so that I can stumble upon the plastic rings for Maggie?

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An Extraordinary Evening

We knew when we booked tickets for last night's performance at Symphony Hall, that it was going to be memorable. But would it be memorably good or memorably bad?
The performance was of the classic silent film The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, starring Rudolf Valentino as Julio Desnoyers. The CBSO provided the accompaniment - composed and conducted by Carl Davies. Symphony Hall was turned into a theatre, with the orchestra in a pit beneath the screen - this is such a versatile venue.

Only a few empty seats remained as the opening credits played, and from that moment on, we knew we were in for a real treat.

The passion, the drama, the surprising humour and the tragically sad ending; all were so beautifully conveyed by both film and music. Though it was a lengthy performance, it never palled and the quality of the remastered film was incredible.

The score was haunting and fitted the action so perfectly that from time to time it was easy to forget that there was a real, live orchestra there - until the final climax, when with all stops pulled out one could have no doubts that this was no recording.

So, did we see a film with live accompaniment, or did we hear an orchestral concert with a silent film showing? We felt we did both - and more. The atmosphere was electric, the acting simply amazing and the performance outstanding.

Oh, and did I mention how beautiful the leading lady Alice Terry was as Marguerite, remark on the mischief of Rudolph Valentino as he invited her to his studio and promised "to behave", with a wink, or comment on the anti-German sentiments throughout? Don't you agree, the handwritten captions are simply amazing? And I failed to mention Julio's pet monkey, who went with him to war wearing matching uniform, right down to his tin helmet. Oh, and that haunting close up shot of Marguerite's face - those silent movie star eyes and tortured expression, especially when she put on her Red Cross uniform...I could go on.

I think you might say, we enjoyed our evening!

And this, view from the balcony during the interval, is especially for Sue.


From where?

Just when I said I'm not a pack rat, I go following trails around the blogs I read and find quite a few entries about this creative writing project.

I am not a writer, preferring to express my creativity in colour and texture rather than words. But I did a short writing project with a very talented tutor last year and feel more confident to try these things out than I did.

I have found reading the many versions of this absolutely compelling and feel it's only fair to share mine in return. If you have a go yourself, perhaps you'd like to share, too? I was inspired by reading Terry's blog which led me to other blogs by Suze by Meggie, and Mary who credit Molly with the suggestion in the first place. I like the way that not everyone has felt compelled to stick to the straight line but take a more convoluted route in some cases.
Me, I can only follow instructions in such things, for the time being, anyway.

I am from a candlewick bedspread, from Omo, bedtime drinks made in a Horlicks Mixer with TT milk with a green top. From the Hull Daily Mail and the green Sports News on Saturdays.

I am from the terrace called an Avenue, small and cosy for three, and never thought about where Clovelly really was.

I am from the white rose, from bowls of hyacinths under the bed in November and pansies, brought home on our bikes from the place under the railway bridge.

I am from Hornsea on a Sunday and a new dress on a Friday, from you Ernie, and Popeye and Courtney.

I am from save it for best and do it gladly or don’t bother. From birds flit people remove.

From please be careful and don’t go on the road and from more than Soft Joe.

I am from St Johns, Newland, Brownies Church Parade, from Beverley Road and the Avenues and a quick swing in Pearson Park on the way to my Nan’s on a Saturday afternoon. From Janet and John and Enid Blyton, Noddy and Sooty and Sweep.

I'm from the East Riding, the flat fields of Holderness, the City of Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire pudding and haddock and chips.

From staying up late to watch Z Cars, from instructions not to play on the bomb damage and get dirty and getting a smack from Mrs Dosser on account of my knitting.

I am from little bundles of old birthday cards, small treasures and everything I ever did kept in a drawer forever.


A gift

On the day when British Gas announced a £571m profit it was kind of them to find the time to send us a small thank you gift, to help us with energy efficiency.

It's a bleeding key.

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A rare event

A completed knitting project! I have finished a pair of socks for Mark - they were the Retro Rib pattern from Favourite Socks and my first pair following this pattern. He likes them and I find it a comforting knit - interesting enough but not too complex to chat at the same time! Yarn is Trekking XXL, bought in Boston.

I think the colours are yummy - and he does too (I think)

The scarf is my other mindless knit on the go. I'm not sure about this one. The Debbie Bliss yarn is possibly a little too uneven in thckness for the pattern, but I shall soldier on because again, I love the colour!