I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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I know they are here somewhere

but where?

I really hate losing things, and don't - very often, because I'm an organised kind of person. When something does go missing, I can usually track it down by means of visualisation, working out when I had it last or simply going through the whole house methodically. Fortunately I don't have to resort to that option very frequently!

On this occasion, however, I'm stumped. I've seen that pesky little Ziploc bag of plastic rings very recently and can visualise exactly what I'm looking for. I know the kind of place it must be - inside a box of similar craft components, with jewellery or button-making things. But I've looked through all my drawers and cupboards, opened up every box more than once and they are simply not to be found.


And yet, they were somewhere here only days ago.


But I did find something for Maggie.

It's in the post.

Reader Comments (4)

And I thought my workroom was bad....

I hope you're going to tell us what that peculiar looking contraption is for.... or will Maggie do that?!

February 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLiz Plummer

I know what that pinback is, though I've never seen one that color before.. is it to go on the back of that lovely tapemeasure pin? Did you leave her some E6000 also?
What I want to know is the inventory of that drawer????? It makes me feel so much better to know you have one of those too.. though I may have several..

February 27, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjordiw

Ah Jordi has sussed it.. its a red brooch back.
Dare I let you know that I left said brooch on my worktable after getting home. It was bought downstairs to me as a gift ( carried in his mouth) by Mr Siamese! It is all intact and none the worse for wear. Anyone would think he was giving me a present of a mouse! Needless to say, it is now safely in my jewellry box.


It arived safely.. many thanks Gill.


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