After such a long blogging break, perhaps some reassurance is needed? I am still here, just don't seem to have had the chance to do much here recently. The word busy springs to mind...
We had a great party with our friends last Sunday, however. One of these days I'll find a pig large enough to satisfy all those pork-and-apple-sauce loving party guests...
I had a wonderful afternoon watching our small friend appear as an angel (of course) in her school nativity.

Our lovely friend Mary has been and gone and we've enjoyed some of our usual haunts, including Daylesford.

We spent a day in Bristol and, not believing the sign advertising Mickey Rooney in pantomime there, just had to book ourselves seats for the matinee to see! Sure enough, both Mr and Mrs Rooney were in the cast of this fantastic show. We loved it!

I met Mary and her colleague Diana and her daughter Katie in London yesterday and enjoyed a couple of thought-provoking exhibitions (Between the Covers and Taking Liberties) before enjoying afternoon tea at the Champagne bar in St Pancras station. We especially loved the tartan blankets which kept our knees toasty warm!
Drama on the train home. A lippy rugby supporter sitting in the First Class carriage refused to show his ticket to the guard, who, rather than get into an argument quietly dialled for support. When we arrived in Swindon, a rather large security guard boarded the train and requested the chap pay up. When he refused, he was asked to leave the train - which he also refused to do. At this point, the security chap explained that he was now in danger of paying not only a large penalty fare but also being charged with delaying the train - at £400 per far, five minutes had passed. This was no thug but a fairly well dressed, professional looking chap in his 30s who I suspect had a bit too much dutch courage than was good for him. His friends (who had paid the £10 upgrade to sit in first class) sat and watched horror struck as the situation spiralled out of control. Eventually, the chap chose to leave the train and was met by a couple of policemen on the platform. Hmmm.

Drama of a different sort at my work Christmas Lunch last week, when 22 of us walked out of the pub having been served the most horrible food imaginable. Fortunately the pub opposite was ready and able to cater for such a large bunch of hungry people and whipped up some fantastic turkey sandwiches in no time!
We've had visits from our friends Ilja and Marieke, and lovely concert pianist friend Tra.
We've done all our shopping - presents and food. Just the last minute Christmas Eve things.
We've had so many lovely cards this year - a bumper year we think. Much appreciated.
We've both had the lurgy and are (more or less) over it, thank goodness.
The Christmas Journal is on course and progressing well, and the Photo a Day blog has been maintained, believe it or not. Catching up with the journal this afternoon a small crisis....
I dropped my scalpel on my foot, resulting in a spout of blood...aaaaagh!

Mark came to my rescue, but please note, in spite of all crisis and emergency, photos were taken!!
I'll now limp upstairs and try to recover with a glass of something or other. I expect I will be ok.