I wish it could be Christmas every day...

Well, not really, but it was fun.
Hope yours was too.
As usual, I recorded our family Christmas in a journal prompted by Shimelle whose online classes I can't recommend highly enough. Not only are they fun to do, one sign up for her "Journal your Christmas" class gets you the prompts for every year after, too. I think that's a real bargain! I don't follow the prompts slavishly and don't contribute to the online group at all, but I love to have some framework to hang my thoughts on and this year's photography tips were a useful bonus.
Anyway, thanks Shimelle for another set of brilliant resources and for all the hard work you put into the class. This one will go on the shelf with the others and will be brought out in a couple of years time, prompting lots of happy memories and a few smiles too.
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