I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Home again

and isn't it chilly?


Lisbon was lovely and we had a great time.  Totally unlike anywhere else we've been, rather quaint and ever so slightly faded in a charming kind of way.  Not Mediterranean, not Northern European either, just different. 



Today we're back home, catching up with things and getting back to work.  I'm reminded of a similarly chilly day some 24 years ago...

Happy Birthday Edward!


Sunday in Sintra


We had a really great day out in Sintra, taking the early train from the Rossia station and jumping on a bus to the Palacio da Pena which sits on top of a precipitous outcrop above the town.  We chose to walk the last bit and arrived puffing and panting but mindful of all the custard tarts we've eaten in the last couple of days, some exercise was recommended.


It's an amazing place, described in our book as "an eclectic mix of architectural styles", which sums it up pretty well I'd say.  No photos inside but rest assured the interiors are equally spectacular.



We spent the afternoon exploring the "other" palace in Sintra, the Palacio National, favourite summer retreat for the Portugese royal family until the late 19th century.



The Sala dos Brasoes was my favourite - the combination of tiled walls and painted ceiling was breathtaking.



As you can see, we had the place to ourselves!  (not really...)





Hello from Lisbon, where the pavements are paved with the most beautiful patterns.  I think they look even better in the wet...



The "pasteis de nata" are the most delicious custard tarts you could imagine.  Why only two? Edward couldn't wait to get his teeth into his.  We have taken it upon ourselves to do a fair sampling of the pastries around the city - well, someone's got to do it ;-)



The "azulejas" on the front of many buildings are lovely, in a soft palette of colours.  I feel a quilt coming on...



Some streets are very steep but thankfully those black and white setts are not at all slippery



and around almost every corner there's a little yellow tram or funicular running a very efficient service.



As usual, there's some iffy artwork for sale along the streets, but it's harmless enough...



unlike the "stuff" offered for sale to Edward by this man and a couple of his colleagues.  Hmmm.


We're having a great time here, dodging showers where we can and now my suitcase has arrived, I'm in a better frame of mind too.



Happy New Year!


Another still, cold grey day here today.  We spent the morning packing Christmas away for another year and have now packed our bags ready for the off.  We fly to Lisbon early tomorrow morning and hope for a couple of slightly warmer days there.




Putting the lid on it

We awoke, this last day of 2008, to a cold world outside - thankfully we were snuggy warm indoors.

We don't go a bundle on New Year celebrations and neither of us do regret at all.  So, no maudlin thoughts here and absolutely no resolutions.  As for the "Review of the Year" - anyone who has witnessed my reaction to seeing yet another excuse to repeat stuff that was boring the first time round will know not to expect anything like that here.

So, tonight we look forward to an evening with friends who will surely stay till next year.  Then tomorrow, we'll pack Christmas away and set off for a weekend with Edward, celebrating his birthday a little prematurely but with as much enthusiasm (and good food, no doubt) as always!


I've just posted my last photograph of 2008, amazed that I've kept it going throughout the year.  Taking a photograph each day has been a great way to record the ups and downs of life here (and there) and has become an established habit I intend to continue.  Later, I'll collate all the years photographs and copy them to the archive here but I'll continue to post daily to the 365 site at Blogger, because it's easy!

I also intend to get a book of the photographs from 2008 printed for us.  Recommendations for printing services would be welcome.


Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and trusting that 2009 won't be anything like as bad as THEY say it's going to be!