A little local difficulty

I’m having one or two problems with MS LiveWriter right now, so I'm not altogether sure how this will appear on my blog.
My Hero has a meeting in Stockholm on Tuesday, so this afternoon, I’m throwing a few bits into a bag and going with him! By way of recompense, I snagged us a couple of tickets for the new ABBA museum for Wednesday morning – all tickets for Tuesday, the opening day sold out long ago, sadly.
In the meantime, I’ve been thinking of how to record the trip.
Previous trips have sometimes been fully journalled
On this occasion, I used all kind of ephemera for the pages and bound them together with my newly acquired bind-it-all.
Though, actually, the content is mostly my blog entries from the days we were away.
Other Swedish jaunts have been more hastily recorded, sometimes just in my everyday sketchbook, like this one.
There’s actually more on my blog than there is in my notebook, probably because, as you can tell from the stickers, we no sooner arrived home than we were off again ;-)
There ought to have been one more journal but search as I might, there was no trace. Just as I was about to give up, I spotted one last pink Moleskine sitting there and yes, it was the one from June 2009.
It records the Swedish visit we made with our pianist friend Tra and epitomises why I keep notes in a little book. As soon as I began to read through the pages, I remembered all kinds of details I’d forgotten.
She was recording a CD and I sat for a few hours, watching, listening, sketching, noting. I blogged a little about the session here but left out a few details which made me smile when I read them again just now.
I’d forgotten how every little noise is picked up by the sensitive recording equipment.
and how the recording engineer put his head round the door to announce that he could hear a regular noise – which turned out to be the conductor’s foot! I see the note I took about the adjustable chairs too, which did make it into the blog entry.
Of course, I was sitting there with plenty of time to scribble and sketch, there was no-one to look over my shoulder or to ask what I was doing. It was the perfect place to sit and draw and one which doesn’t come along very often.
So, what will I do this time? We’ll be away for just a couple of days and not really long enough to establish any kind of pattern or daily routine. I’ll post photos and stuff here as usual, which provides me with a great record of the day’s activities. But will I create any other, more conventional journal? I don’t know!
I’ve got a really tiny art kit in my bag and I guess we’ll all see how it develops during the next couple of days!