Good day

It's been a fine day here and we've enjoyed looking around the city. Our plans for a visit to the Carl Larsson exhibition were thwarted however- Monday isn't a good day to visit a museum in Stockholm, sadly.
Since it was a fine morning, we headed for Skansen, a long established open air museum on a neighbouring island. We enjoyed the walk over there (via a bridge!)but found it deserted, spending most of our time watching a family of brown bears playing in a muddy puddle in which some very thick ice had formed.
This little one hadn't quite worked out that you can't move a piece of ice that you're sitting on! Very cute.
The rest of the day, we've spent enjoying the atmosphere of the city. We're very fond of Stockholm and like the fresh air and the fine architecture in between the more brutal concrete structures. There are some beautiful buildings with very interesting roof shapes, some topped off with a tower or two and maybe a decorative weathervane.
A blue sky provides the perfect backdrop, don't you think?
Out to dinner tonight, at a restaurant recommended by the concierge here since our favourite Prinsen was booked for a private party. We enjoyed a fine dinner last night as guests of Mark's Swedish colleague Bo and his wife Mette, at the Grand Hotel - one thing about Swedish cuisine is that we never go hungry!
Reader Comments (2)
hej hej - välkomna till Sverige! Ja, allting är stängd på måndagen, tyvärr! Men det blir roligt i alla fall! och våren är här så det blir njutning av solen med en kopp kaffe ute på stan! Har det så bra ...........
enjoy our wonderful country -
Tack Sara! Vi uppskattar att du delar vissa av dina solsken med oss!