I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Tired of turkey?


I hope your Christmas was filled with lovely company, tasty treats and good humour.  Ours certainly was, though I’m afraid anyone looking for a bit of peace around here was to be disappointed as I was stuck with my hacking cough night and day, in spite of drinking Benylin by the bottleful (not really, it just seemed like it at times)




I took a photograph of a small collection of stuff on the kitchen worktop on Christmas Eve for my Project Life and noted that it looks much the same today.  Hmm.  Yes, this was the Christmas of cough medicine (and no, I don’t like that particular one though the same brand cough sweets are fierce and pretty effective)




It’ll definitely find its way into my Christmas journal anyway, as will this one taken on Boxing Day on the dining table.  Sums it up well, don’t you think?




One of my stocking presents makes me smile every time I see it, though how long the novelty of the illuminated USB cable will last, I don’t know.  Father Christmas must have been taking particular note when I accidentally swiped my tablet from the worktop shortly before Christmas and broke the mini USB connector (but not the tablet – phew!)  Anyway, right now, I think it’s fun, don’t you?




My cough is my excuse for doing very little about the house and finding small heaps of very interesting presents still waiting to be explored.  That’s my bedtime reading for tonight sorted, then.

Tomorrow, I’m going to venture shopping for the first time since last Thursday morning.  We’re tired of turkey in all its guises and I think it’s time for a change.  I’m tempted by a bit of fish, I think…

Reader Comments (2)

That hi-vis USB cable looks perfect for someone with lo-vis - Thanks Gill

December 29, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

Hope you start to feel better soon. Better than most things for you now would be honey and lemon! It really works, you can dilute it a little with warm water. Mr S was particularly poorly and it did him the world of good, good for coughs and sneezes. Love the illuminated cable...very festive! Didn't know such things existed.

December 29, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterStasher

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