I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









« 161 miles, 2h 39min | Main | At last »



Jordi and I had been chatting about these


Transparent Watercolor Papers


I know, I have watercolours in all kinds of forms – Inktense pencils, Neocolour crayons, Gelati sticks, in tubes, in pans and some in bottles too.  But the idea of having papers with concentrated colour on them which will neither spill nor take up any room in my travel art kit appealed no end.

And of course, Jordi had not only tried them herself but had some to share.  How kind!




Imagine my delight yesterday, then, when I came home to find a little package on the mat. 




In the envelope was a quaint old package which was rather interesting, regardless of the watercolours inside.  Beware of imitations indeed – these are genuine “Peerless” colours!




Cheek Pink brings to mind pictures of a bygone age, don’t you think?




Of course, I couldn't wait to try them out for myself and went in search of a small pad of watercolour paper.




The next surprise was inside.




Looks like I’d been using this to scribble some ideas down for a village show or something.  But better things were on the next page…




Someone’s drawings! 








Yes!  Edward’s drawings from a holiday in Switzerland, aged around five, I guess.  Can you tell what they are?  (A dark green train, a cablecar and funicular railway going up a mountain and a paddle steamer on the lake with the Swiss flag flying

How cute are they?!

I LOVE finding such things in surprising places and it quite made my day!




Oh, and the Peerless Transparent Watercolours were rather lovely too, once I’d worked out which side of the paper held the colour.

Yes, I can hear Jordi laughing about that from here!

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