At last

Signs of Spring have appeared in this corner of the Cotswolds. We’ve had blue skies for a couple of days now and though there was still a heavy frost this morning and we passed a fair bit of lying snow on the way into Cheltenham, there was a little more warmth in the sun than of late and we have the first daffodils out in the garden.
About time, too.
We spent the morning in town with nothing special in mind. A leisurely browse in the Cheltenham Waterstones confirmed my opinion that these bookshops have taken a distinct turn for the better of late. No more tables piled high with the same bestselling paperbacks as everywhere else and no more bored staff standing behind cash registers. Instead, how much more appealing to find interesting and imaginative offerings of rather more unusual titles which demand to be picked up and perused at length (and bought, for heaven’s sake!)
The day got better still, though, because having dropped in on friends for coffee late morning, we tempted them out to sample the fish and chips at Simpsons. Looks like civilisation in the form of a reliable chippy has arrived in Gloucestershire at last.
(The photograph is of The Minotaur and the Hare, who sit on the Promenade in Cheltenham, right outside Waterstones bookshop)

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