Well, personally speaking…

“I found it rather invigorating”.
So said Diana, having spent a whole weekend here in chilly Gloucestershire with neither heating nor reliable hot water. Suffice to say we will laugh about it later but at the time, it was a bit of a challenge to say the least.
That’s not to say we didn’t have FUN!
A fancy dress party where we all went dressed as we were aged 20 – tennis coach, flower child, student and beatle-lookalike, we blended in well with all those who didn’t have quite so many years to remember!
Then, on the way to lunch in Cheltenham, the crowds assembling provoked us to ask “what’s going on?” The answer was forthcoming just minutes later.
Oh my goodness…the excitement!
We had prime viewing spots too – that’s Mary’s hair in the picture. Of course, we were on our best behaviour and didn’t attract his attention, though some of us were sorely tempted…
But with our friends back at home now and the house returned to normal, there was the business of Christmas cakes to attend to. With a new oven to fathom, this wasn’t as easy as it might have been. Still, the results look pretty good, if I say so myself, even if I did have to get out of bed at 11.45pm last night to take them out of the oven!
OK, time to go to work now. It’s one of those non-stop weeks where every spare five minutes is a valuable commodity!
Reader Comments (1)
Wot a week you have had but Yum! I love Christmas. I bet it will be great. :-)