
We’ve been home a couple of days, doing our best to manage to keep warm in spite of a broken central heating system. Not only that, but our immersion heater decided to call it a day too, so we’re having a pretty cool time here.
We had such a terrific few days in California, full of fun and non-stop activity. As usual, I came home and opened my bags to find a whole lot of goodies I’d found along the way, taking the opportunity to stock up with heavily discounted supplies for my Silhouette cutting machine and a few extra ingredients for a couple of projects I have in mind.
Those “40% off everything” deals are hard to resist and a great chance to buy things like sewing machine needles which stuff into the corners of suitcases and take no room whatsoever. It was my hero’s turn to have the TSA look over the contents of his suitcase this time, probably because he had quite a few of my things in there too!
Had they opened my suitcase, they’d have found a plethora of scissors! Why? Well, shortly before my birthday, I spotted a review of the new Fiskars Amplify scissors and added a pair to my wish list. My wish was granted several times over, for I received both multi-media scissors and fabric shears too, in two sizes of each – lucky girl! As they’re still not available over here yet, my hero had placed his order to arrive with Mary, who brought over a large box (or two) during our stay. I’ve used the 6” multimedia shears with the short blade to open the packets of the other sizes with ease, having struggled to open the first package with my normal everyday pair of scissors. Whilst I’m not at all sure how the “amplify” bit works, I can say that it really does make a difference and I’m delighted with this, the very last present from my birthday, a month ago.
We’re celebrating another birthday this evening, going to a party dressed as we were when we were twenty. Oh my. Suffice to say, I’ve just darned my college scarf!
Reader Comments (3)
Looks like a nice collection you have there Missus! :-) Pretty fabrics as well. Why don't we get those sorts of deals here....
Glad you enjoyed your trip.
These look great Gill, have just ordered myself a couple of pairs for Christmas. Hope you get your heating problems sorted soon! It is starting to warm up here, but saying that, have just done a weekend dyeing retreat in torrential rain and thunder storms.
I'm very impressed that you made it through airport security in the United States without having any sharp implements (scissors, largish needles) confiscated. Admittedly, the scissors don't look all that intimidating, but they can get very concrete in their thinking sometimes.