Saturday morning

Waking up this morning to news from Mumbai and from here in America. The taxi driver who brought us from the airport was from New Delhi and as soon as he heard our English accents, was eager to talk about the events in Mumbai, too.
Black Friday here when we arrived and though the discounts offered by the shops are staggering - generally between 20 and 30% off a complete purchase, in addition to any discounts already offered - thankfully the crowds we encountered were good natured. We did our usual thing and went out into the fresh air for as long as we could before caving in, exhausted, for supper at Legal Seafoods at 6.45pm.
This morning, we are up early and ready and raring to go and hoping to stay awake at the Symphony tonight!

Reader Comments (1)
Hi Gill,
I found you rather circuitously, via stitchinfingers and facebook! Remember me from the old C&G groups list? You've obviously just left the country, so enjoy your trip, and perhaps we'll make contact when you get back. Best wishes.