
Today I will mostly be sitting down, currently in T5 Heathrow and soon (I hope) on a plane bound for Boston, Massachusetts. For the time being, my entertainment is some great artwork around the place, a free wifi connection and eavesdropping in oh so many languages (few of which I understand).
I'm trying to work out what language the chaps sitting behind me are speaking - current vote is for Icelandic but I need to take a closer look at them and see if they fit my image of Icelanders!!
Of course, my anti-boredom kit is in my bag alongside - Nintendo DS, knitting, ipod, book, laptop, two magazines, about a dozen crosswords and sudoku puzzles gleaned from newspapers in readiness for a journey and paper for Christmas letters to write.
Well, there might not be a film I want to watch.

Icelanders? With Iberia luggage tags? Hmmm. Though I suppose they could have been en route home from business in Spain or South America, I suspect my guess was far from the truth.
As for being bored? Me? During the 6 and a half hour flight, I giggled through Mamma Mia as dinner was served, settled down to watch Miss Pettigrew lives for a Day, dozing for the odd five minutes or so without losing the plot and and got most of the way through Brideshead Revisited before we began our decent and the entertainment was switched off.
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