I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Sock in the loose

The latest sock is done and set free after a couple of cast offs because the top was too tight. Though it now looks a bit frilly, it's still not ever-so-loose (or maybe it's my fat calves that are the problem?) I have yet to be convinced that the toe up method is the one for me!

Expect an imminent bout of SSS (second sock syndrome)
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Fairford Sunday

Maggie mentioned the Fairford Air Tattoo in her weekend blog entries and we both hoped for a free air show at some point during the weekend. Well, this was it. At around 4.45pm, Sunday afternoon, there was a loud rumble and one solitary plane flew over. I suppose the wind was in the "other" direction and the residents of Oxford might have seen the show? Posted by Picasa


Yeah, right.....

Who Should Paint You: Pablo Picasso

You're an expressive soul who shows many emotions, with many subtleties

Only a master painter could represent your glorious contradictions


Shopping the world

A parcel arrived from Amazon.com for Edward this morning, containing something he'd ordered last week.

Unable to find what he wanted on the amazon.co.uk site, he placed his order through amazon.com.

The box arrived this morning, about 12 x 9 x 3". Inside the box was a similarly sized piece of card, shrinkwrapped in plastic. Sure enough, the bill is there, addressed "Lexington Kentucky", but oddly, the packet is postmarked "Deutsche Post".

There, in the middle of the card was his purchase - a single CD in a cardboard sleeve...

...with a "Made in Holland" sticker on it.


Dyeing for colour

Heaven knows what a child's insides look like after they've drunk this stuff, but I'm more than happy with the results of my test-run Kool-Aid dyeing this afternoon. I followed the knitty.com recipe and concentrated on the primary focus - the samples of wool felt I have. Of course, I couldn't throw away some perfectly good dye liquor, so I dumped a few odds and ends of threads in. The wool works perfectly, the cotton not so - the three pink samples above are all cotton/rayon embroidery threads, but will tone with the wool felt on the little project I have planned. This test run used "Tropical Punch" flavour.

I have a collection of every Kool-Aid available in Manhattan, (thanks Jordi!) and some extras from California (thanks Mary!) I even have some "invisible" flavour, which I confess to buying myself. Not the brightest choice when I thought of it. I will soon have my hands on several yards of the wool felt, which is destined to be dyed in every colour and samples shared amongst friends in a bit-of-a-swap we've planned. Watch this space for the results.

Incidentally, half way through the microwave process, Edward wandered in, attracted by the sickly sweet fruit-drop scents which were wafting through the house. Once he found out the cause, he was appalled, but I think there was the tiniest hint of disappointment that something edible was not going to appear on the kitchen table this afternoon! Posted by Picasa