I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Back from LaLa land


Since we got back on Sunday, I've been trying very hard to upload my video of the 4th July fireworks, firstly via YouTube and then using Vimeo. In both case, my file was too large and my video-editing experience isn't sufficient to make dealing with that a speedy process. So, for now, a few pictures to be going on with.






I think that it may be the case that Americans living overseas are more enthusiastic about their 4th July celebrations than those at home. Certainly, our expectations of a day full of red white and blue, energetic patriotism, parades and the like were not quite accurate. Of course, the signs were there, some smaller businesses were closed for the day and we spotted the occasional person dressed in stars and stripes, but otherwise this looked like a normal day, much the same as any other.


In the evening we headed, along with 24,996 others, to the Hollywood Bowl where the LA Philharmonic were celebrating 50 years of the Dodgers Baseball Team in Los Angeles together with the traditional Independence Day concert.




Mary had secured us excellent seats and we had a fine view of the stage and the screens on this beautiful Los Angeles summer evening.





The orchestra turned out wearing Dodgers shirts in the spirit of the occasion and the atmosphere was warm and funny. We loved every minute.

And yes, we were on our best behaviour!




By the time the fireworks were due, darkness had fallen and the crowd were expecting something very special. We had never seen such a spectacular display - I hope I can share it with you soon!

Afterwards, we made our way home via the backstage area and had this privileged view of the Bowl, as seen from the stage. My goodness, what it must feel like to perform in front of such a huge audience!



As we passed the iconic entrance before taking the short walk back to Mary's apartment, we remarked on the suitably splendid finale to our trip. We have loved every minute of it!!


Red White and Blue

When we planned our trip, we decided to stay an extra day or two to take in the 4th July celebrations and were delighted when Mary booked tickets for the Hollywood Bowl show - a great way to finish our holiday.



Yesterday, we had a great time doing one or two last minute things, taking in some of those "Only in LA" moments - where a dog's life includes such luxuries as being taken for a walk in a papoose and a place where you can take your owner (on a leash of course) to buy your home baked doggy goodies.


There was time for frozen yoghurt before heading out - we kidded ourselves that it was better for us than ice cream but it was so yummy I very much doubt it.

As we drove in a round about kind of way to Mary's, there was time to snap one of those buildings which always make us smile as we pass by.

The show last night will be fully reported later. For now, there are suitcases to be packed and just that bit more of Californian goodness to be experienced before we head on home.

See you there!


...and finally

..three days in our favourite place of all, Santa Monica. We love LA, we feel a real buzz when we drive down Sunset, along Wilshire, towards the ocean. We stay in an hotel which considers itself "hip" when we aren't hip in the slightest, but it suits us and hopefully this time, they won't lose our car.


We are comfortable here. We've been here enough that we feel no need to go sightseeing but simply enjoy hanging out with friends, soaking up the great atmosphere, the comfortable temperatures and, of course, enjoying delicious food. Driving here from San Diego today, we spent a happy hour with Anne in Santa Ana, sharing tales of our travels and giggling about the silly things we'll remember long after we're home.
Here, more than anywhere, we consider ourselves fortunate. Fortunate enough to be able to share a bit of the good life here every once in a while and better still, know so many lovely people to share it all with.
The last three days of our trip will be as fun-packed as the first two weeks, I'm sure, but somehow, they will be extra-special!






Ah, the ocean!

"Home" in San Diego is this gorgeous downtown apartment, thanks to our generous friends Kevin and David....in this picture, framed in the arch. Just there, behind the hedge is a beautiful pool in which I enjoyed a cool dip when we got back yesterday.

Though we love being in the city with everything a step away, today we explored a little further afield. First stop, the "Old City" - actually a couple of freeway junctions north of here.

For some reason, none of us was overimpressed by this way too commercial collection of faux historic buildings and we didn't stay long. Instead we got back in the car and drove to La Jolla, a little further north, where we enjoyed mooching the classy streets and taking a little ocean air.

Not only that, but there was a great textile art gallery there too. How very civilised!


Moving on

We've moved on from the "American South West" which didn't feel like "America" at all to us but definitely a region we'd like to return to and explore further. We flew from the quaintly named Albuquerque Sunport.

A region where even the official notices are framed in an interesting way! Such a distinctive style, palette of colours and general atmosphere, I can see why so many artists and craftsmen feel at home here. I also came across this just before we left - further exploration needed!


We flew via Phoenix, Arizona, where the temperature outside was 105F today - forecast 114F. Not sure I could cope with that! Here the airport was the Skyharbor...


We landed in a comfortable 75F with balmy sea breezes and are now in San Diego. Our mindset is changing from the SouthWestern to the Californian, from desert art to metropolitan style as we are immediately charmed by our friends' classy downtown apartment - just across the road from Nordstroms, Starbucks and an elevator ride from the Ralphs supermarket. A block away is the trendy Gaslamp district and on the other side is the recommended Italian restaurant. Our friends have left everything shipshape for us and we feel so privileged to have such an amazing place at our disposal for a few days.

But don't worry, Edward, we plan nothing which might involve this!