I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


View from a desk

Following Jordi's request to share the view from our desks, I took a few photos in the studio just now. To the left of my computer screen, I can just about see what the weather is doing through the blinds - raining, as usual. I can also see that pile of paper which needs dealing with. I wonder what excuse I'll have this week?
There's also the old computer which is connected to my sewing machines - comes in handy when Mark needs a taste of the old Win98 days too.

To the right of my screen, I can look over to my worktable, where there are a few things needing attention, homes to be found and some newish books I want to read before putting them onto the shelves.

Swivelling round on my chair a little more to the right and I can see what my nearest and dearest is up to. Notice the screen is tiled a little away from me? Hmmm...if I sit forward I can see what's on it though!! This corner is where our best friend Roomba lives too - he who zooms around picking up all those dust bunnies when we're not there.

Next stop, immediately behind me, the door to the laundry reminds me that I could be ironing or dealing with the washing - but notice I stash all that out of sight (out of mind?) The travel bookshelf is a far more interesting place to rest my eyes.

Last stop is the door to the storeroom (best kept closed...believe me!) and the main door, out to the hall and upstairs. Telephone, fax, modem, security system and all of that in this corner...charge-central.

Curiosity satisfied, Jordi?


Fun weekend

I've had a really fun time this weekend, starting on Friday, when I met Paulene from her train. She'd booked the last two places on a workshop with Dawn Dupree at Cirencester Brewery Arts after Maggie had told us that she'd booked herself on it. Careful what you tell us about - an Artful Dodger or two might just join you to share the fun!

A couple of days ago we sent off black and white images for Dawn to prepare something for us in advance. Though we had suspected she'd do a Thermoscreen or something we were none too sure, so we agonised a little over what to send. I eventually decided to send an image created from a metal installation in the foyer of Alexandria Library - visit Paulene and Maggie's blogs to find out what they chose to work with.

Anyway, when we arrived, there were our screens, ready to go.

The room was a little tight on space but thankfully, bright and airy with open windows and a light breeze. We enjoyed having the chance to spend a day printing and making use of a range of materials, inspired by Dawn's fascinating exhibition just downstairs.

She was generous with her ideas and experience, ready and more than willing to suggest, advise and explain how to create just the effects we were after. We had great fun.

Lunchtime was bright and sunny and sitting outside with a sandwich and sushi was a good chance to catch up with the gossip.

Our screens held up well, from time to time we oohed and aaahed at some effect or other, the more so if the image was a transient one - here the colours on my screen "popped", though of course, that was all to be washed away seconds after the photograph was taken.

Maggie and Paulene both created some wonderful work which they will surely share. I was happy with mine though am unsure where it will go from here - in which cupboard will it end up?

In the evening, we smartened ourselves up a bit and went, together with our Dodger men, to the Wild Duck in Ewen where we ate, drank and talked the night away.

What a great way to spend a weekend. Thanks Maggie for booking the class to start with, Paulene for letting me in on the fun and nabbing the last two places! And thank you too, Mark, Nigel and Robin, for being such good company last night.


It's a wrap - eventually

I was prepared. I had seven bags full of samples, materials and enough ideas I thought.

But perhaps I wasn't quite prepared for the close encounter which was scheduled for this afternoon. I imagined one man and a digital video camera...I got a whole film crew, just back from filming my favourite Thursday evening fashion progamme. I felt very small, very inexperienced and rather lonely at times.

Though I'd got everything together and am normally confident of my ability to get on and do things, faced with all of this, even sewing a button on becomes challenging.

The best bits were when I could stand back and let them get on with it.

The worst bits were when, at the fifteenth attempt, I was asked to speak in a more lively manner.

And to hold my embroidery frame just so, to keep it in focus.

And to remember what we'd agreed I'd say.

And to keep the thread visible and not allow the loose fabric to catch as I turn the frame over to show the reverse.

And to make sure that I hold the end with my thumb as I said and not use my finger (as I did).

And not to hold it so my hand created a huge shadow over the stitch.

And to relax.

And smile.

And look as though I was enjoying myself.

And when I'd done all of that and finally been able to start a thread without a knot, do about two inches of simple running stitch and secure the end...

Could I do it all again, right from the beginning, this time to film from a different angle.

And then again (exactly the same) a third time to film my face and hands. aaaagh!

For one who can't remember what she said just ten seconds ago, this was the biggest challenge. To their credit, the whole film crew were patience personified and did their best to put me at my ease, to suggest ways of getting around a challenging bit and were totally charming and professional throughout.

Here, the lighting engineer and the cameraman try to overcome those pesky shadows in the embroidery shots. I don't really think I convinced them to take up the needle.

But it's over. Done. Wrapped. Most will end up on the cutting room floor, the remainder on a learning channel sometime in the autumn. Watch this space.

(Hah...you think I'm going to TELL you where to find it?!)


Glorious weather

It's been a fantastic summers day here - not too hot, but clear blue sky and enough of a light breeze to remind us that we're not in California.

I'm experiencing a little self-inflicted stress here right now. Can't say much more at the moment but will tell the full story in due course. Anyway, it was fun to go out for lunch today and take my mind off the prep I need to do.

As we drove past the allotments just over the lane from home, I spotted some of my favourite plants, standing high above the surrounding wall. I just had to go and take some photographs.

As I walked through the mish-mash of vegetable patches, I smiled as I caught sight of a cute scarecrow.

I laughed out loud when I saw the fierce creature in a "cage" close by!

I'm not sure how effective he is though - that patch was not quite as prolific as the others, sadly. Perhaps the birds behave as they used to do in the old Roobarb and Custard TV show - just sit and laugh!


Meet Otto

Otto is ready to play

Making a bit of an entrance

Enjoying the pose

Inspired by a Reclining Buddha, I think.

But getting totally whacked by it all and now needing a lie down

Thanks Ysolda. It's a great pattern!