I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Sunny days


As we used an ATM this morning, I was amused by the sign on the door, wondering what response it would get from a Geordie reader?!  But it's nicely worded, isn't it? (I didn't really mind waiting outside, either)



We enjoy staying out here on the coast, where it's some ten degrees cooler but where the "marine layer" (sorry, been watching The Weather Channel too much) results in a little early morning and evening mist.  I'd refer to this as "sea roke" and if we hung around Santa Monica long enough in the morning, we'd see it burn off fairly quickly.  But as we walked a few blocks early this morning, in search of breakfast, I remembered to look up and appreciate some of the fine details on the buildings on Third Street.  There's usually way too much going on at street level to distract me from the quieter features of the city!



Come to think of it, perhaps the Geordies have been influencing life here a little more than we thought.  This billboard has amused us each time we've driven along Wilshire Blvd.  We headed that way again this morning, towards Mary who lives in the Hollywood Hills.



This morning, we sat at the traffic lights at the junction of Fairfax and Sunset, looking towards this house and asked ourselves the same question as we've always done: "who lives in a home like that?" even though we're only mildly curious and not really interested in any form of star spotting.  A car journey here is never boring, for there is always something interesting to see, to watch, to notice.



Of course, there's plenty of evidence concerning the new boy in town, too.  I imagine next weekend will be wall-to-wall Gustavo and would love to be there at the concert in the Hollywood Bowl or the Disney Concert Hall to hear some magic happen!  We hear that tickets went like hot cakes and in spite of energetic efforts none of our friends have managed to get one.



To Pasadena today, then, "where the grass is greener" .  Can't really say about that, but it's certainly a favourite of ours with a walkable city centre, some of our favourite haunts in the shopping category and some fine buildings with character too.  We pottered around the shops, had a spot of lunch in Jakes and fulfilled our supermarket wishlist (Googone, ziplock bags, press'n'seal, Altoids), Trader Joes and Vroman's books before returning to Mary's in the late afternoon.



An early dinner at Mozza, followed by an evening of Dancing with the Stars chez Mary (where was Len this week?) and our day was complete.  We said our goodbyes - Mary has to teach tomorrow - and headed back west, out to the coast where the marine layer had descended once again and where a comfy bed was waiting!



Too sleepy to blog


But I had to post about our yummy dinner tonight, because at least one reader will know the identity of the chef in whose restaurant we ate when I say how much we enjoyed the olive oil gelato...




The County Fair


I was delighted when I read of the dates for the LA County Fair and looked forward to seeing it for myself, especially when I read of the craft and cooking competitions.  It promised so much and even though friends here raised an eyebrow when they heard of my plan to visit, I remained optimistic.



As suggested, we arrived early and made our way through the rides and hot dog stands, to the Grandstand, where the craft show was.



Once inside, I was interested to see the exhibits displayed in purpose-built, closed glass showcases.  We seemed to be the only ones looking around this part of the show and it did feel rather empty.  The small booths were set up for demonstrators - presumably later in the day there would be things to see and stuff to watch.



The table setting competition was quite fun, especially since the judge's comments were there to read.  This one had further comments written in response - I'm quite pleased that isn't a feature in the shows I am involved in!



Sadly, the craft exhibits were not really as great as I'd have expected and I didn't see much to inspire me.



Then, in the next showcase, lurked every craft judge's least favourite character



How interesting to see he has made it half way round the world!

But there was worse.



There was the food, including this case of decorated cakes.  Bearing in mind that the temperature today was nearing 100F and that there was no refrigeration, it was hardly surprising that some of these cakes were looking a little sad.  When we learned that they had been there since the start of the show nearly four weeks ago we gave a little gasp.  How did we know they had been there that long?  The woman spraying each one with an anti-roach spray told us!  I can't say how unspeakably disgusting the loaf with a rotten centre looked...

We moved on swiftly, out into the open air and past some other curiosities



At least it's only dipped, not covered!



Deep fried Avocados anyone?



"Everything smothered in chocolate" really does include pickles...


I admitted defeat.  Yes, Mary, Elizabeth, Diana, Joanna.  You were all correct.  It wasn't really our kind of event.  But at least we can say that with experience!


We headed away for lunch at an old favourite: Twoheys.  After a visit to San Gabriel Beads to spend some of Fanny's money for her, we enjoyed dessert at Fosselmanns, cited in the Observer recently as the source of the best milk shake in the world.

We're not disagreeing with that statement  - but will have to keep sampling!



We did a little light shopping before returning to the hotel for a quick change and dinner.  As we drove back along Montana Avenue to avoid the freeway jams, we could see the fog coming in from the coast.  So strange to watch having spent the day in high temperatures and clear blue skies.  By the time we reached Santa Monica it was a bit of a pea souper - but still so warm.  Odd.


Sister Joanna joined us for dinner at La Cachette and the strange weather continued.  Unsure of whether we wanted to sit under the patio heater in sauna-like conditions or brave the humid evening air, we settled for the latter and enjoyed a great meal in the best of company.


We walked back along Ocean, the mist having cleared and reflected on how lucky we are to be here.  But it was nine o'clock and we knew that, as soon as our heads touch those pillows....




The Gamble House


Having discussed at length various routes to avoid the dreadful traffic problems arising from the soapbox derby, we said bye to Elizabeth and armed with Diana's notebook list of streets, we fought our way to the freeway and headed for Pasadena and The Gamble House.  Our chauffeur (Mark!) did a wonderful job of negotiating the traffic with the ?help? of three women navigators!



Built for the Gamble family (of Ivory Soap fame) this Arts and Crafts house is a beautiful and well maintained example of the work of the Greene brothers and we loved it.

It did, however, provoke questions about owning such an iconic structure, for when architects design every last detail, where do the "real life" things go?



Never mind - with such a beautiful front door, would you mind?