I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









« The County Fair | Main | The Gamble House »


We did a little light shopping before returning to the hotel for a quick change and dinner.  As we drove back along Montana Avenue to avoid the freeway jams, we could see the fog coming in from the coast.  So strange to watch having spent the day in high temperatures and clear blue skies.  By the time we reached Santa Monica it was a bit of a pea souper - but still so warm.  Odd.


Sister Joanna joined us for dinner at La Cachette and the strange weather continued.  Unsure of whether we wanted to sit under the patio heater in sauna-like conditions or brave the humid evening air, we settled for the latter and enjoyed a great meal in the best of company.


We walked back along Ocean, the mist having cleared and reflected on how lucky we are to be here.  But it was nine o'clock and we knew that, as soon as our heads touch those pillows....



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