I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


“OK, let’s hit the grave and go shopping”


I whipped out my notebook and scribbled down those words so I could include them here, of course, but I won’t embarrass anyone by telling you who said it!




We headed out for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library this morning.  After we’d paid the local JoAnns and Michaels a visit, that is.  Well, with coupons burning a hole in my purse, I couldn’t neglect my favourite places, could I?




The Ronald Reagan library is just up the road from our friends’ home, in the Las Posas hills.  A fine bronze of the man himself stands by the entrance which wasn’t quite as surprising as what was just inside…




A Christmas tree!  Surely, too early for such things?

We went inside and found the story of the 40th President’s life rather interesting, though there were some significant omissions which needed a little Google research later.  As usual, I found the personal items offered an insight to the man himself and I must say, he came across as a very sweet and romantic chap!




How’s this for a cute telegram to Nancy?  One of half a dozen or so exhibited there which revealed the strength of their relationship and their love for one another.  Actually, though Nancy featured large in this story, his first wife, Jane Wyman got no mention at all.




Another display was of the small index cards he used to reference short quotations for use in speeches later.  All written in tiny handwriting, they were meticulously ordered in an album and the display offered a clear view of several.




My favourite was “there’s just too much month left when the money runs out”




He was definitely the master of the pithy quote, as these two mottoes which stood on his desk in the Oval Office show.




Having seen them in the exhibit, we saw them again in the mock up of the Oval Office in the next room.




A little further on, I was fascinated to see the detail in his personal diaries, this page telling the story of Valentines day when he and Nancy watched “an amusing movie called Nine to Five”. All handwritten in his now-familiar, neat and tiny script, this must have taken an age to write.




His movements for the day were recorded on typewritten record sheets; the three above were for just one single day.  It seemed almost like a list of choreographic directions and clearly there was little “wriggle room”.




Upstairs, we walked along a balcony around the most talked-about exhibit of all, Air Force One.




The huge plane was placed in front of huge picture windows, overlooking the unspoiled Californian landscape outside Santa Susana mountains, where a red-tailed hawk swooped and soared in the sunshine.  We made our way to the entrance, graciously declined the offer to have our photograph taken waving in Presidential style at the doorway and went inside for a look.  Very impressive – but smaller than one might imagine.  There followed a short look inside Marine One, the Presidential helicopter and the remainder of the exhibit.  But we were getting hungry and the story of the Cold War and an exhibition about Spies didn’t really capture our imagination so we hot footed it up to the cafe for a spot of lunch.

After which, the now infamous words were spoken.  “OK, let’s hit the grave and go shopping”.



So we did.




What a great day!


A night out at the movies


We love being here, where the days are filled with friends and fun and where we can simply go with the flow and enjoy whatever plans our generous hosts have made.  We knew they had got something up their sleeve for this evening, but knew little more than it involved a movie for ourselves and a couple more friends.




We headed for Westlake Village just as darkness was falling and made our way to the cinema in the shopping centre there.  As we arrived, we realised, this was no ordinary cinema but something rather unusual – even for here.




Cineopolis consisted of five screens, each with the most luxurious seating arrangements we’ve seen.  Comfortable, reclining seats with footrests were generously spaced and as we made our way to row E, a young man followed us with tray and menus.




Cocktails anyone?  Or something to eat?  And just in case we wanted to order something when the lights had dimmed, there was a nifty little torch built into the menu – because, heaven forbid that we might go hungry!  (We’d already enjoyed another delicious lunch – “thanksgiving 2” – followed by drinks and nibbles at Jan and Tony’s too) 




As we settled down with a cool glass of Pino Grigio and a handful of popcorn (well, go on then, if you insist Winking smile ) the couple in front of us ordered supper before reclining and watching the trailers for the forthcoming attractions.

No adverts, though.  Interesting that.

About Time was a great choice and we really enjoyed the show.  Sentimental, yes, happy ending, of course.  The six of us all agreed that it was just right for this Sunday evening and that the whole Cineopolis experience was marvellous.

Dinner at The Grill was terrific too.  How do our friends stay so svelte?


Just imagine


We had such a marvellous day yesterday, there was a risk of losing track of it all!  So, this morning, whilst the others have gone for their constitutional, I’ve chosen to stay home and catch up.




They’ve gone for a walk around the lake, as our friends do every morning.  Though it’s said to be “cool” here, we’re perfectly comfortable in our short sleeved T shirts, hardly British souls that we are!


silk floss tree


Yesterday morning, we took the same route, following the waterside pathway and spotting various flora and fauna along the way.  Ellis identified this silk floss tree, with huge fruit hanging from the branches and evil looking spines on the bark.




And I’d have walked straight past this pomegranate hedge, had it not been pointed out to me.  I’ve never seen them growing so abundantly before.




Our “reward” lay just over the road, where we sat and chatted for a while before returning home to gather our things and set off out.




We knew we were back as soon as we spotted the little purple bench by the wall overlooking the lake.  I so covet those Adirondack chairs!




First stop was to get our bearings with a photo stop overlooking the Calabasas hills.  Though the air was a little hazy yesterday morning, we could get a feel for our location.




Next stop was the Calabasas Farmers Market, where trade was brisk and the produce plentiful.




As usual, there were things we’d never heard of and my hero eager to sample.


dried persimmons


Plus, there were things we did know of, but had never tried.  Delicious!




The fresh produce here is glorious; beautifully displayed, too.  We’d be regular customers, for sure.




Our next stop was a place to the north east of here, where there were some new developments and a collection of model homes – show houses, we’d call them.  We’ve always loved looking around such places so we were delighted by our friends’ suggestion to pay them a visit.




Oh. My. Goodness.  The space!  The proportions!  The size of the rooms!  Even the smallest bungalow had such beautifully arranged spaces, we couldn’t help but gasp as we went through into each new room.  Compared with houses built on a European scale, these American designs are remarkably lavish and yes, we loved them!




So, we said to the sales executive, please may we see the largest home you have to offer?  The picture above is what we saw as we opened the front door.




We turned left, into the kitchen and were surprised by the relatively modest size of the room compared with the previous, smaller bungalow we’d just left.  Having said that, it was equipped to the highest of standards, including that contraption on the wall above the range cooker, which I had completely overlooked until Ellis explained it to me just now.  Who knew such things existed?  (not us)




The reasons behind the modest kitchen were revealed when we stepped outside, where we found another one.  Ahem.  This was for the “rock star” lifestyle, we thought, with the outdoor living space, including fire pits, dining table and lounge area – and yes, of course, a huge plasma TV on the wall above the hearth.

The swim up bar (complete with bar stools in the pool) can be see just off to the left.

The purple sign “Imagine what you could do with your back yard” was one of those sentences which highlights the slightly difference nuances of American English and would surely prompt a hollow laugh from a backyard-owning Englishman. 




Gazing out over the artifical lawn (ooh, that’s tempting – we could live with that!) we were a little overwhelmed by now.  Ellis brought us down to earth with this sanguine and first-hand experience of swimming pool maintenance, but we were still dreaming…




How often would the home owner have time to sit and relax by the pool or to entertain friends in that outdoor party space when there was the lawn to vacuum (and two kitchens to clean)?




One thing is sure.  The homeowner would never be lost for somewhere to sit and relax, because at the top of those curved staircases is the retreat; a peaceful place to sit and knit, with a tray of tea and a fine view.




The master bedroom is just to the right, with a beautiful terrace overlooking the garden and with a fine view of the valley and the distant hills.




The spectacular master bathroom is to the right, with similar views and a huge bath and shower.  Oh, and a dressing room/closet bigger than most European bedrooms.  Just across the landing were two smaller children’s bedrooms with a modest bathroom in between them.  No doubt who has the priority for space and luxury in this house, then.

We returned to the car, overwhelmed by what we’d seen.  The American dream is still alive and well and what fun it is to admire it, first hand!

After a delicious lunch in delightful company and elegant surroundings, we made our way back home, to the house with the cute purple Adirondack chair.  There was time for tea and a quick change before setting out once again, towards Beverly Hills and a pre-theatre supper with Mary.  The theatre is a lively place and the five of us had tickets for the smaller, more intimate space where Play Dead was programmed.

We had no idea what to expect, which was possibly just as well!  Let’s just say that the two Marys and I clung to our heroes at times and though, with hindsight, it was fun, it was also really scary!




One souvenir of the evening was to be found on the dining table this morning. That was a little surprise, for sure!


At the end of a very long day


We were up at 6am, checked in by 7.30 and in the air by 10.45. After ten and a half hours in the air, we landed at just gone 1.30pm. We've spent the afternoon chatting, unpacking and settling into the luxurious lakeside home of our sweet friends, who welcomed us with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner this evening.



It's now 9.20pm and we are both calling it a day. Or, would that be a day and a half?
Goodnight from Calabasas, California x


Just out of reach


Powering through our favourite cinnamon Altoids, safe in the knowledge that we can replenish our stocks before long, I opened the latest pack to find this.




Created in the UK for a North American market, I wasn’t surprised to find an American/Canadian reference to the saying when I googled it just now.  But I’m sure that I also recall my Mum using the expression in some way or other, possibly in a party game?  The trouble is, it’s just beyond the periphery of my memory and I can’t check by asking her, sadly.

But I’ll bet one of you clever people know.