I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Just out of reach


Powering through our favourite cinnamon Altoids, safe in the knowledge that we can replenish our stocks before long, I opened the latest pack to find this.




Created in the UK for a North American market, I wasn’t surprised to find an American/Canadian reference to the saying when I googled it just now.  But I’m sure that I also recall my Mum using the expression in some way or other, possibly in a party game?  The trouble is, it’s just beyond the periphery of my memory and I can’t check by asking her, sadly.

But I’ll bet one of you clever people know.

Reader Comments (1)

I remember 'crying Uncle' to stop a chinese burn in a pre secondary school playground. This in deepest darkest Surrey and it hasn't cropped up since. But then I have lead a sheltered life!

November 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLesley

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