I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


The usual dilemma–resolved


Once again I’m trying to think of practical and effective ways of recording the trip.  In this case, our four night stay in Hong Kong, which generated a few bits of ephemera which I wanted to assemble in some way.  I’d intended to keep a scribbled journal whilst we were there, to maintain it as we went along and stick bits in it with washi tape there and then.  I couldn’t see how I’d have time to spend on it once we were home.  So, I packed the bare minimum of pencils, tape and a mini stapler and a new little moleskine notebook.

Or so I thought.

When we arrived, I opened it up to find I’d already used it a couple of years ago, in Sweden.  How silly of me not to check before we left!

So, there we were. Before we’d even left the hotel, I was bleating that I needed to buy a notebook from somewhere…anywhere.




Now, you’ll appreciate that I am indulged by my family when it comes to things like this, but I try hard not to push it.  It wasn’t fair to take up half the first morning on a shopping trip to find a stationers and so I went with the flow.  Made do.  Managed.  Until my hero spotted a notebook in the gift shop at the Nan Lian Garden, which I agreed would do nicely, thank you.




Except it didn’t really.  The paper quality was so poor that it crumpled almost as soon as the page was open.  And the binding was flimsy.  And though I tried to clip some cuttings in it I could tell, it wasn’t going to work.  So, I simply scribbled, made notes and put all the ephemera into a bag to bring home.

(By the way, do you see that clipping?  I'm a goat...note "spending spree is justified" ??  Winking smile )




Today, I assembled the lot into one of these which I bought ages ago with this exact intention.  It owes a lot to Heidi Swapp’s Memory Files, but was simpler and way less creative!  I hadn’t time to dwell on too many decorative features because I just wanted it done.




So here we are.  Edward’s birthday trip to Hong Kong, January 2014.




No need to open every little page and flap – you get my drift?  I cut open the bottom fold of the file folder, because it’s actually a kind of pocket and until the bottom is cut off, it doesn’t open like a book.  Once I’d made that cut, some of the “pages” were a little loose, so I had to make a few adjustments before I started.  But it worked well, allowed me to insert some extra pages as necessary and I would do something similar again for a short trip.




Next time, I’d think ahead and use more of those newspaper cuttings and suchlike as background material.  In something like this, it’s not necessary to have every square inch visible, but it gives the right kind of flavour to the page and photos and other stuff can be layered over it all.




The whole thing is quite sturdy, opens up comfortably and best of all, on this rather dreary Sunday at home, it’s DONE!




Now, to work out what I’m going to do for the next trip….




I can’t get my head around it really. 




At 5pm yesterday afternoon, we were checking in our bags at the Hong Kong Airport Express City Check In.




We bought our “group of 3” tickets and hopped right on the express train, arriving some twenty minutes later.  We made our way to the lounge – British Airways uses the Qantas lounge at Hong Kong and it was pretty busy for a while, but quietened down as the evening wore on.

We boarded our flight at 10.30pm and I set my watch to UK time – 2.30pm - planning my flight in the hope of resetting my body clock.  We took off and dinner was being served around 5pm.  I chose a light meal of salmon and a little rice in the hope that it would keep me going through the night.  I began to watch the Liberace film but gave up on it, finding it creepy and rather sordid and instead, opted for Enough Said, the perfectly amusing but instantly forgettable aeroplane film.  I fell asleep with about five minutes to go, around 5.30 pm and slept right through until they were serving breakfast at 2.30am this morning.

Our flight was the first into Heathrow at 4.30am and we drove home in the dark, getting back about 6.45am.  Now, at just before 9 am we’ve unpacked, the washing machine has completed one load and we’ve showered and gone through our normal “getting up” routine, including a porridge breakfast.

We begin a “normal” day.



One more day


A 5pm checkout at the hotel meant that we could use the whole of today to best advantage and so we’d left one item on our to do list specially.  When we were here last year, our friends took a trip out to Lantau Island, where there’s a huge Buddha and their experience tempted us to do the same.




We began, as usual, with the MTR, though this time on a different line – the Tung Chung line, right from one terminus to the other.




Surprise surprise, when we got out at the other end, we found ourselves in a shopping centre.  Who’d have thought it?!  But of course, that’s not why we were here…




Just around the corner was the station for the cablecar, because one of us had agreed that he’d summon up the courage to give it another go, his confidence boosted from the Swiss experiences in the summer.




Though each car was permitted to hold 17 people (heaven knows how) there was just the three of us and three Russian ladies in ours; enough ballast to keep the thing steady, we reckoned.




We were headed over the hills and far away.




A twenty five minute ride – and one of the Russian ladies was only slightly less happy than my Hero, who was holding his breath at times.




Because, although the scenery was interesting – can you see the airport down there? – in some places, it was a little windy which meant we did wobble about a bit.  The cabin was ventilated in several places so the wind howled and whistled around us, too.




Still, it was preferable to walking that track, I thought.  (Can you see the walkers below?)




All was fine and we arrived safe and sound at the other end, greeted by a poster for the “First Ever International Cable Car Gallery”.

Can’t.  Wait.




Stepping outside, we spotted the Buddha, too.




Accessed through the shopping mall, of course.




with traditional Chinese fast food places, such as Subway and Ebeneezer’s Kebabs.




I was tempted by a traditional Italian gelato – black sesame seed flavour, much better than it looks, too!




But come on, we want to see the Buddha.




Oh, I’d forgotten the cablecar exhibit!




Here we are, at the podium at the foot of the steps leading to the Buddha.  Guess who was going to climb them?  No, not me, I was happy to stay down here with his father and watch (and wave, how embarrassing!)  A perfect acoustic here, apparently, or so the guide was telling his client as he encouraged her to shout and listen for the echo.




The bright day and the coloured flags were most attractive and brought the place to life, rather and we were happy to stand and watch people for a while, until our boy came back down again with the observation that “it’s even bigger when you get up there”.

Who’d have thought it, eh?  Clever lad!




The Po Lin monastery was just around the corner so we wandered over to take a look.  Pretty quiet there, really, but a few people around lighting joss sticks and paying their devotions.




The shop was selling the most enormous joss sticks we’ve ever seen!




With a final look around and a glimpse of the Buddha, we made our way back to the terminus – not to return on the cablecar but to take the bus around the island instead.




So many signs and notices plastered everywhere, we’d better be on our best behaviour!




After a quick drink at the shopping centre, we were back on the MTR a few stops changing to the red line to Tsim Tsa Tsui.  We wanted to have one last ferry ride for this trip.




We even had a wave from the gentleman on the jetty as the Twinkling Star sailed over to Central.




Hong Kong remains an all time favourite place to be.  What a great way to celebrate Edward’s birthday – what fun we’ve had!


Shop till you drop?


Edward had earmarked today to do a little mooch around the shops.  We’ve been quite disciplined so far and haven’t really bought a great deal but we wanted to look for one or two bits and pieces on my (very short) list.




It was actually a little chilly when we set out this morning.  Definitely a day for layering, at least until the sun had cleared the early morning haze.




The birthday boy was in good spirits!




We set off towards old haunts, along Nathan Road, a pathway we have taken many, many times. It would often have been with a grumpy little boy protesting about “aimless walks”, too! 




Today was different in so many ways, including the decorations around the entrance to the park, where loudspeakers were playing “When a child is born”.  But shopping here is different now.  Edward remembered the days when we’d buy computer games, cheap T shirts and things, funny bits and pieces we’d not seen at home – general nonsense really.  However, the bling has arrived in a big way and unless you’re out to look for the Versace, the Gucci or the Hermes, there’s nothing much different from home.

And the countless “copy watch” guys make walking along this particular stretch of the street really tiresome!

I had woken with a sore throat this morning though, so thought I’d step inside the chinese pharmacy to buy some watermelon frost – years ago a guide introduced it to us and I found it quite effective.  This time, however, the pharmacist directed me to a different product.




He said it was better. How was I to know?  So I took his advice, bought a tube and turned it round…




Funny!  So much for sticking with the old traditional remedies, eh?  I think I own a few Smith Kline shares, though, so am all for the fact that the Chinese like their products!




Over the road, a Starbucks beckoned us in and this small chap was sitting on the counter, prepared to celebrate the new year on January 31.  He’s dressed as a horse of course.




Recognising Edward’s disappointment at the changes along Nathan Road, we returned to Central and took the tram out to Causeway Bay, where life goes on in a more normal, blingless way.




Where the Bright and Breezy Mathematics school is on the 7th floor but where ground level is bustling with life of every sort, including the ingredients for tonight’s dinner.




Looking up through the bamboo scaffolding, there’s work going on, too.




We’ll head down this alley, though, to see what’s what and if there’s anything to tempt us.  I am lucky and find a couple of things, including some cord for making some Chinese knots.  Sadly, it’s not the kind of shopping everyone else had in mind, so they continue, empty handed.




It’s the joy of the internet, see?  Everything and anything is available worldwide now and very few things are unique or specific to a single part of the world.

Except perhaps Hello Kitty dressed as a horse for the Lunar New Year 2014.




Only in Hong Kong (oh, and probably the rest of the world too…)


Passports needed




The birthday boy had just one request: he’d like to go to Macau, please.   So, we did.




Of course, my Hero and I were there just last year and it was all still very fresh in our minds.  But it’s an easy journey by hydrofoil from Hong Kong and we were happy to go again, if only for a couple of hours.  We took the 1005 outward journey and were there about 1120 – these ferries don’t run the most punctual of services.




Once there, we got on one of the free hotel shuttle buses to the centre.  We chose the Lisboa Grande, since we knew our way from there into the old town and had a rather hair-raising journey because oh my, the driver put his foot down pretty hard the whole way.




The crowd on the streets was a fairly young one and standing behind this particular young man at the crossing, I couldn’t resist taking a picture of his T shirt.  So last year, don’t you think?!




Anyway, we stopped by the town hall where the Lunar New Year decorations had caught our eye last time round – needless to say, today it was all still Christmas,




Same in the plaza outside, too, where the large Christmas tree stood with decorations still blowing in the breeze.




Just beyond there, the tinsel was abundant, not that anyone was paying much attention, it seemed.




I think the vast majority of people here had some kind of food on their minds, if not in their hands, for vendors were encouraging everyone to taste their wares and in a couple of cases it led to a sale.  Good thing to do!




Not that anyone was giving away Pasteis de Nata, though.  Well, in our case, they didn’t need to do that, for we were there buying some just as soon as we could get a little money changed.




We sat on the wall at the foot of the gentle slope which leads up to the ruins and enjoyed a custard tart each – yummy!  Not that we are creatures of habit of course, but Allan and Jane will recognise every step.




Having climbed the steps to the top, we turned right to the escalator which would transport us to the door of the museum, where I had fun taking pictures of those things I didn’t get a super picture of last time, including these large puppets.  Lovely faces, eh?




“Have you heard the one about the actress and the bishop?”




On the top floor of the museum was an exhibit that neither of us could remember, including these lovely representations of landmarks within the city.  This cathedral is at the top of the main square with the Christmas tree and we identified several of them immediately.  But though the models are very accurate, it’s more of an indication of the relative size of the place than the maker’s skill – even a short term visitor can soon begin to recognise the main buildings, of which this is one.




I won’t go into detail about the  museum beyond noting what a treasure it is.  I did, however, take a picture of this paper weaving book – a technique I have tried with limited success in spite of having the tools to hand Winking smile




On the return walk to the casino, we spotted this “bride” – except I don’t think she is, do you?




Oh well, back to the casino, not to get a shuttle bus as this morning, because to do that, one needs to show a valid croupier’s receipt and sadly, we didn’t possess one of those, having merely walked through the casino for Edward’s benefit before going to join the taxi queue.  The taxi driver whisked us through the traffic in no time, so much so that our pre-booked return tickets were about an hour and a half too late.

Never fear when my hero is about though – we discovered we could choose to “standby” – or rather, hurry along and catch the ferry which was supposed to have left already.  In no time at all we were on board and bounced our way over the waves at considerable speed as we headed back to Hong Kong.




This evening, faced with a chance to do a little shopping, I went off on my own, because after all, who wants dh and ds trailing behind in Pottinger street?Open-mouthed smile  But then, it was the usual quick change and out to dinner before you could say “Jack Robinson”, this time to a fairly standard, run of the mill chain of restaurants where the food was quite good if lacking in depth and individual flavour but also about a quarter of the price of the last two suppers we’ve enjoyed.




Whilst the food was perfectly good, the service was a bit “take it or leave it” and when they forgot one of the dishes we’d ordered, we were hardly surprised since the staff displayed exactly that kind of casual attitude that one would associate with such mistakes.  Never mind, we wouldn’t go hungry, that’s for sure”

So, another fun packed day comes to an end and we’ll stagger into bed once more, tired but happy.  It’s really wonderful to be here and it never palls – altogether magical!