Shop till you drop?

Edward had earmarked today to do a little mooch around the shops. We’ve been quite disciplined so far and haven’t really bought a great deal but we wanted to look for one or two bits and pieces on my (very short) list.
It was actually a little chilly when we set out this morning. Definitely a day for layering, at least until the sun had cleared the early morning haze.
The birthday boy was in good spirits!
We set off towards old haunts, along Nathan Road, a pathway we have taken many, many times. It would often have been with a grumpy little boy protesting about “aimless walks”, too!
Today was different in so many ways, including the decorations around the entrance to the park, where loudspeakers were playing “When a child is born”. But shopping here is different now. Edward remembered the days when we’d buy computer games, cheap T shirts and things, funny bits and pieces we’d not seen at home – general nonsense really. However, the bling has arrived in a big way and unless you’re out to look for the Versace, the Gucci or the Hermes, there’s nothing much different from home.
And the countless “copy watch” guys make walking along this particular stretch of the street really tiresome!
I had woken with a sore throat this morning though, so thought I’d step inside the chinese pharmacy to buy some watermelon frost – years ago a guide introduced it to us and I found it quite effective. This time, however, the pharmacist directed me to a different product.
He said it was better. How was I to know? So I took his advice, bought a tube and turned it round…
Funny! So much for sticking with the old traditional remedies, eh? I think I own a few Smith Kline shares, though, so am all for the fact that the Chinese like their products!
Over the road, a Starbucks beckoned us in and this small chap was sitting on the counter, prepared to celebrate the new year on January 31. He’s dressed as a horse of course.
Recognising Edward’s disappointment at the changes along Nathan Road, we returned to Central and took the tram out to Causeway Bay, where life goes on in a more normal, blingless way.
Where the Bright and Breezy Mathematics school is on the 7th floor but where ground level is bustling with life of every sort, including the ingredients for tonight’s dinner.
Looking up through the bamboo scaffolding, there’s work going on, too.
We’ll head down this alley, though, to see what’s what and if there’s anything to tempt us. I am lucky and find a couple of things, including some cord for making some Chinese knots. Sadly, it’s not the kind of shopping everyone else had in mind, so they continue, empty handed.
It’s the joy of the internet, see? Everything and anything is available worldwide now and very few things are unique or specific to a single part of the world.
Except perhaps Hello Kitty dressed as a horse for the Lunar New Year 2014.
Only in Hong Kong (oh, and probably the rest of the world too…)

Reader Comments (2)
Happy Birthday Edward!
Happy Birthday Edward.. hope you have a wonderful day.
I so envy you being in HK.... but I doubt I would recognise it now. I spent my 14th, 15th and 16th birthdays there..... and always went to a night club on the Island or the cellar bar in the Ambassador Hotel in Kowloon.
Food was always fabulous and I have never found anyone who can create a Pimm's No 1 as they can in HK. Have a great day.