I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Learning curves

Gradually, I am finding my way around my Note (which I think was named especially to amuse people like me, with a Hull accent!) This afternoon I thought I'd try the next step. Can I remember how to write a blog post without Ms writer?  Since there isn't a Squarespace Android app right now, I'm back to the old days of writing directly to the Squarespace interface.
Patience needed then.
The other small issue is that I haven't really got anything to blog about.  So, I'll simply ask your advice about why the weeds are slowly strangling this hebe,  ask what you reckon is eating our irises, and invite you to enjoy the wonderful scent of the freesias on the kitchen windowsill.  You might also like to admire our one snail free hosta in its special snail resistant pot. We need more - hostas and pots with a lip which snails find too difficult to negotiate!
Meanwhile, George is wondering if he'd be brave enough to parachute from Linda's church tower.
I'm trying a new picture editor too, as I work out if I am going to manage without baby laptop on our travels. So far, it's not looking that hopeful.  But I am optimistic, because each day brings a new discovery!

Getting to know you




It’s a couple of weeks since I brought home this new distraction and I’m just beginning to feel in control.  Unlike the ipad, which I took out of the box and immediately started to play, the Samsung has taken a while to endear itself to me.  In the last five minutes, however, it has completed a small trick which I have been trying to coax my ipad into for the last four years without success and slowly but surely, the ipad is being relegated to ereader and gameboy status.


Screenshot apps


My intention was to use the Note primarily for creative purposes.  I wanted to explore the potential to create interactive journals, with photographs, sound and video, all of which are memory hungry and depend on being able to share media with other machines easily.  That’s probably the most frustrating aspect of the ipad and the main attraction of the Note.  The downside was that I’d already bought into the IOS drawing and sketching apps which I’d not be able to use, of course, so my first expectation was to have to load up the Note with a few before I could begin to use it.  What I didn’t know was that it came pre-loaded with all kinds of useful apps which would save me the effort (and the money).  So far, I’ve dl’ed just four (free) android apps: Photoshop Express, the Sonos controller for our sound system at home, a QR reader and the Eye-fi app for the wifi SD card in my camera. I extended the 16GB memory to 48Gb by buying a £7 MicroSD card, mainly so I can put photos on it and bought a card reader so I can upload photos to it without wifi. Apart from those things, I am using it exactly as I bought it.




Bearing in mind that we are a PC family, itunes is a source of much frustration, especially when it comes to moving pictures and music from one machine to another.  So, imagine my delight when I connected my Note to my PC using a USB cable and simply dragged and dropped files between the two.  Imagine even more delight when a screenshot taken on the Note (the first photo in this blog entry, in fact) appeared simultaneously on my PC screen.  It sounds so simple, but until now, it really wasn’t.




Another delight came in the form of the S pen, which comes as part of the Note and which is stored in the side of the tablet when not in use.  I spotted this article on the Yahoo Travel blog the other day and since our road trip this summer will take us to Cincinnati and Covington, I thought I’d save a few details.  Cue the S pen.




Point and click and a few options appear, including Scrapbooker.




I’ve still got the “training wheels” on, so left the help screen in place as I drew around the details of a restaurant in Cincinnati.




Having clipped the details, I selected the pen option from the top menu and made one or two notes alongside.




Having done that, I had a few choices to make.




Just where did I want to share that clipping?




I chose to put it in my Scrapbook, in the “places” folder (which might soon be renamed “road trip places”)




Bearing in mind my eventual intention to create a digital journal, I wondered if I could do anything else with that clipping?  After all, it could as easily be a bit of a photograph, a drawing or a clipping of a patterned piece of paper.  I thought I’d try opening up a new page in my notebook, which lives on the homescreen.  It’s got a lime green cover (of course Winking smile )




Ooooh, look, I could insert a voice memo alongside, or a map, or a sketch…!!  Wooohoo!  But for now, I’ll stick with clipping those restaurant details.




Shall I leave it there, then?  Make it bigger, smaller, or…




Scribble a bit more on it in a different colour?  (because I can!)

Can you tell, I’m pretty thrilled with my Note? 

I haven’t even mentioned the major, earth-moving trick I discovered earlier.  No photos, because the forms and data are all work-related and confidential, but suffice to say that in just ten minutes I achieved the Holy Grail of moving a docx form from my PC to my Note, of opening it in the (already installed) Polaris Office 5 app and using the S pen to complete the form!  That means I can take my Note to do classroom observations and walkthroughs and scribble on the screen, saving the details to my PC when I get home.  I can’t tell you how many times we’ve tried to achieve that process using my ipad, several paid-for apps and the collected brainpower of anyone who could be persuaded to help me.  Until now, I have never been able to do it.

But is there anything irritating about the Note?

Of course there is!




The case, whilst not brilliant, is ok, but irritatingly, the Note USB connection is on the front edge, which means that it doesn’t sit comfortably in propped up mode unless raised on a book or something.

I’ll forgive it for now Winking smile


In other news around here, we had a visit from a nice BT Engineer yesterday who kindly connected us to the new fibre-optic internet service, increasing the speed of our connection from 2Mbs to 44Mbs in less than half an hour.  With a new Smart TV, Netflix and all of the above, we are happy bunnies, I can tell you.



All change




An empty fridge.

This beauty and its predecessor have given us much joy and brought several new friends into our lives, including a delightful Gaggenau engineer who is not only on first name terms with us, but with our Aussie friends too as a result of his frequent and well-timed visits.  On Friday, however, the game was up and after many phone calls and technical head scratching, the new replacement was expected.




Switching fridges isn’t quite as simple as one might think though, and it needed the expertise of our star kitchen installers to make sure all was well.  Even so, there was one big decision that only we could make.

In which language would we prefer the instruction book?  (nl, it, fr, sv, de, no, sl, pl, fi, pt, el, cs, zh, ru, tr, es and, thankfully, en were in the package)




Somehow we’ve managed without referring to any of them so far.




Waving goodbye (for now) to our Aussie friends and saying hello to Edward who’s home for a few days, we had other things on our mind.




The big question of the day.  As my cousins all headed to Wembley we found other distractions to keep us busy.




We had the company of our two small friends for the evening, so a double batch of rice krispy slices were made and four pairs of hands made short work of that.  Meanwhile, I cooked supper and as we all headed outside to eat it we listened out for cheers, checking the score and daring to hope…




Sadly, it was not to be but my cousins returned home to Hull full of pride, nevertheless.


Let it Go


The girls had brought Frozen with them and as we sang along with Elsa we reflected on how different life might have been with two small girls in the house.




I doubt that the rice krispy slices would have lasted any longer, though, do you?


In Cricklade


Seen on the walls of this Saxon town today.




The pub next door was the scene of another crime, possibly not quite a hanging offence though?




We all loved this small, unassuming plaque, set back from the road near the bridge.




Some signs were rather larger and seemed to indicate something more important.




Others told of the town’s long history.




And some told of nothing much at all.




Around here


There’s never a dull moment.

The weekend was full of technological challenges, because we replaced our ageing TV set (now there’s a phrase from the past!) with a super duper new SMART TV which I fear is smarter than any average bear around here.




Oh yes, it fits nicely into the corner, though we’d better not go any bigger, and having ummed, aaahed and finally bought the thing in John Lewis on Saturday morning with dear James Martin coming at us from the fifty seven TV sets in the store, guess who accompanied the set up process on Sunday morning too? 




I made a little splurge as well, so had my own independent technological challenge to conquer.  I’m not quite there yet, I must say and will be happy when I can say that I can find my way around it without being surprised by a demonstration of another nifty little trick, however clever. It’s my intention to use it for a bit of travel journalling and for doing things which my ipad won’t or can’t, probably because I’ve stuffed it full of magazines and newspapers and other memory grabbing apps which itunes won’t let me move around easily.  Being able to save to a little SD card will make all the difference, I think.


Fullscreen capture 13052014 163215


I’m keeping an eye on it though, because Jordi tells me that her Galaxy tablet talks to her phone when she’s not looking, and mine keeps wanting to talk to all kinds of machines in the house, the new TV included. Who knows what mischief the machines in the house could get up to?




I escaped the tech to go to WI the other evening, though, where Richard Box was our speaker, leading a workshop he calls “Drawing for the Terrified”.  I’m not sure any of us were really terrified, though, so it was a bit of fun.




In the low tech world of the Memorial Hall, however, it was the hostas taking over, including by my own bag.  After all, we’ve all got space for another hosta, haven’t we?




Wherever I looked, there was another one, perched in all kinds of strange places.  Someone had fun dividing their plants up this month and how we appreciated her decision to share them with her WI friends.




Of course, our other responsibilities are ongoing and I spent the day at a meeting in a favourite place yesterday.




Where the green beans at lunchtime were served with a kiss!




Where the coots and the little grebes are on the lake and the yellow buckeyes are in flower.




Our American friends have returned home now, but the flowers they sent us are a lovely reminder of happy days and are lasting remarkably well. Our Aussie friends will arrive tomorrow for a few days and we expect Edward home at the weekend, too.


In other news around here, I have been slotted into the new, reorganised work team which may or may not operate from the same office as we’ve had for several years.  So I read this recent article from McSweeney’s with a wry smile.

Oh yes, there’s never a dull moment.