All change

An empty fridge.
This beauty and its predecessor have given us much joy and brought several new friends into our lives, including a delightful Gaggenau engineer who is not only on first name terms with us, but with our Aussie friends too as a result of his frequent and well-timed visits. On Friday, however, the game was up and after many phone calls and technical head scratching, the new replacement was expected.
Switching fridges isn’t quite as simple as one might think though, and it needed the expertise of our star kitchen installers to make sure all was well. Even so, there was one big decision that only we could make.
In which language would we prefer the instruction book? (nl, it, fr, sv, de, no, sl, pl, fi, pt, el, cs, zh, ru, tr, es and, thankfully, en were in the package)
Somehow we’ve managed without referring to any of them so far.
Waving goodbye (for now) to our Aussie friends and saying hello to Edward who’s home for a few days, we had other things on our mind.
The big question of the day. As my cousins all headed to Wembley we found other distractions to keep us busy.
We had the company of our two small friends for the evening, so a double batch of rice krispy slices were made and four pairs of hands made short work of that. Meanwhile, I cooked supper and as we all headed outside to eat it we listened out for cheers, checking the score and daring to hope…
Sadly, it was not to be but my cousins returned home to Hull full of pride, nevertheless.
The girls had brought Frozen with them and as we sang along with Elsa we reflected on how different life might have been with two small girls in the house.
I doubt that the rice krispy slices would have lasted any longer, though, do you?
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