I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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The First of September




An email dropped into my Outlook folder today, reminding me that just like every other year, it’s the start of Shimelle’s “Learn Something New Every Day” project.




Amidst all the fuss and excitement of some December-related products which I was trying to avoid (It’s SEPTEMBER for heaven’s sake!) Shimelle’s email arrived like a breath of fresh air.




I try to do a different take on the project each year, embracing a new technique as part of the “learn something new” concept.




So I’ve worked completely digitally, printing each page out and binding the whole thing together but I’ve also worked in a hybrid style, printing some elements out and then building a page with scissors and glue.  I find it therapeutic to get glue on my hands!




A couple of years ago, I decided to do the whole thing without using my computer at all.  That was really enjoyable and the book I made is one of my all time favourites.




I haven’t always completed the project, though.  A couple of years ago I used an app on my phone to create a daily page but I found little pleasure in that process and my good intentions fell by the wayside long before the month was out.




So what format will my LSNED Journal take this year, then?  Right now, I have no idea.  As Shimelle says, the day has to be lived and reflected upon before it can be recorded.   This evening, I’ve identified today’s story and scribbled down a few notes in my diary.  Maybe tomorrow, I’ll crack open a new notebook and create a page around them.  With a busy month ahead of us, though, whatever I choose to do will have to be simple!




Right now, I’m thinking that I might make use of some digital templates similar to this one.  Then, I can simply drop in a photograph each day and add a few thoughts.  Did you know you can buy such things, ready to go?

I think I need to go shopping.  Without leaving my chair, of course Winking smile

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