I never met a flapjack I didn’t like
and I don’t buy bunches of mixed flowers either. These are lovely, though, aren’t they?
We had a day out yesterday, driving down to Somerset for lunch. We had to get the parking money purse out quick, though, when we suddenly found ourselves needing to pay a toll to cross the bridge. The list of charges was many and varied but thankfully, there was a simplified version just along the way.
We were heading for Bruton and finding ourselves with plenty of time, decided to take a look at what was going on at Hauser and Wirth.
We found the exhibition of Subodh Gupta’s work “Invisible Reality” especially interesting, since our priority on arrival had been to head straight for the loo. Bypassing the information desk, we began to view the exhibits in reverse without the benefit of notes and as a result, though we did indeed look more closely, we had no idea what we were looking at!
Pots and pans, certainly, but it was good to find out the background later!
I especially liked the series of crushed pots and pans with sarees embedded in the block and as we examined the individual pieces, we were distracted…
There is something special about coming across familiar faces in unexpected places and looking up to see our sweet Californian friends Mary and Diana there in the gallery beside us was a joy! Of course, it wasn’t that much of a coincidence: We’d arranged to meet them for lunch at the Chapel later but to bump into them here was even better. Hugs all round then and who cares about the art…let’s catch up on the goss!
Well, we did look at more art on our way out…
Sadly, they were only passing through, so it was a non-stop chatter kind of lunch and a couple of hours later, we drove off in opposite directions – they were heading for Heathrow, we were going home.
“See you in Charleston!”
As for the first ever flapjack I didn’t like. Well, serves me right for buying a mix, even if it was on special offer.
Reader Comments (3)
Coconut in a flapjack seems wrong to me.
Is 3% a lot of salt?
I wonder how he thinks we should vote at the referendum. We should be told.
I'm not sure if 3% is a lot of salt, Lesley, and did wonder about the coconut as well. But in fact, it was the bran that I didn't like. It left a dry, crummy feel in my mouth afterwards - not pleasant. I definitely prefer oaty flapjacks, both for the flavour and the texture and much prefer to make my own, really.