I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Just off the motorway


When we were first married, we had a small paperback with this title.  Inside, there were listings of what was to be found at each motorway junction, including local pubs, petrol stations and general alternatives to the service stations.  On our way up to Wharfedale last week, we stopped somewhere far more interesting.




The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is on a stretch of the M1 which we don’t normally use.  By that time, we’ve normally turned off towards Hull or taken the M18 towards the A1.  Still, here we were on a fine Spring lunchtime, feeling peckish and in need of some fresh air.  What better place?




We’d put our boots in the boot of the car, just in case.  Good job, too, because it was a bit muddy in places and the notices by the gate, advising of the need for sturdy footwear were apt.  The visitor centre had been designed with muddy boots in mind too and I was particularly impressed by this clever pathway to the entrance acknowledging park supporters at the same time as allowing the debris from hundreds of walking boots to fall through.




Off we set, then, over the fields and through the sheep, saying good morning to Old Flo as we went, muttering about the peace of the countryside being shattered by a particularly noisy bunch behind us.




I liked the natural sculptures almost as much as the crafted ones!




Passing Bretton Hall there on the hill, I recalled the last time I was here: at the 1977 Summer Ball, with Gill, my friend (and bridesmaid!) from college days who was a student here. As we walked by, we giggled about the story of when the two of us were dancing with two blokes (oh yes, they were definitely blokes),

What’s your name?”


“What’s your friend’s name?”


“Are you sisters?”

“Yes, our Mum liked the name”.




Down there by the water was a small tree with what is surely, someone’s special place. 




A bit further along was another special place which aroused my curiosity.  Who knows?




We were in this particular corner in search of some of Anthony Gormley’s work and struggled to find it until one of us thought to look up!




Funny how, in spite of all the large works of art around here, it’s the small ones which catch my eye.  You spotted that one on the fence, didn’t you?




Another small mystery.




Did I say “large” pieces of art?  The temporary exhibit here right now is a collection of KAWS work.




It was attracting a great deal of interest, though personally, I didn’t get it.  I need to read more about the artist and his work, perhaps.




Aware that we still had a bit of a way to drive, we made our way back via the camellia house – breathtaking!




I couldn’t resist jumping up and down on the planks whilst I was there.




Goodbye, Old Flo.




I wonder how much longer you’ll sit here and take in the view of Barnsley?

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