But please…
If you are sitting in a theatre, a concert hall or similar and you are rather pleased with your long blonde hair, please think of those sitting immediately behind you and refrain from throwing your head back and running your fingers through it at regular intervals. Actually, you could try to sit still during the concert too. I excused what I thought was a young woman sitting in front of me until she turned around and revealed herself to be well beyond middle aged.
Should know better.
Oh, and whilst we’re at it, as we sat enjoying Guys and Dolls in the Savoy Theatre the other night, the woman next to me brought out a Tesco bag and proceeded to eat her supper with a knife and fork, balancing a variety of containers on her knee. What? Might she have starved to death if she’d waited a couple of hours to sit at a table and eat in a more appropriate place? Did she think that those around her were enjoying the aroma of her garlicky, heavily spiced food?
Just don’t get me (or my hero) started on the extraordinarily loud, amplified music being played by groups here and there on street corners, will you?
(even if it does meet the guidelines)
Reader Comments (2)
What is the world coming to???
Wholeheatedly agree on all accounts. Please add trips to the bathroom in the middle of a concert performance by middle aged women in a rather jolly mood who announce their intentions loudly to the list of no-nos.