I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Can’t see the wood


We had a fun day out with friends on Friday, spending some time at Whichford Pottery listening to their gardener speak about planting bulbs in pots.  




We are always happy to mooch around there and seldom leave without a new pot to add to our collection.




On Friday, we arrived early enough for coffee and a bacon buttie in the new cafe there, which is an interesting and eclectic space.




Just behind us were a couple of holes in the wall, one of which was stuffed with pieces of brightly coloured yarn.  Of course, I took a photo.




It was only just now though, when printing a few pics out for my Project Life that I spotted the legs.

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