I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Days like these




February.  When sometimes the sun is bright and the sky so blue it’s hard to imagine it’s still wintry out there.  Until I jump in my car to go to work and feel thankful for heated seats!




Maybe this was really, really the very last time there in the Warehouse?  Ever since Christmas, I’ve thought that but yet again on Friday morning, I found myself parking in the old place and going up with the tin box of a lift (the flooring gave up the ghost months ago and was removed, but no replacement was fitted!)  Our meeting was a really productive one, fuelled by flat whites from the coffee shop across the way and great team work with colleagues.  Can you imagine the popcorn wasn’t opened at all?




Saturday morning, we decided to hit the Mall and get the last bits and pieces to finish Edward’s room off.  Oh, and it seemed a good time to buy a replacement camera too Winking smile  My current “handbag camera” still works just fine, but a couple of small bits have fallen off it (probably because it spends most of its time rolling around in the bottom of my handbag?)  One missing piece is the thumb grip and without it, my thumb often strays to the video button – very irritating.  With this year’s adventure on the horizon, I thought it a good time to get used to the new model and have been taking photographs here and there since I took it out of the box.




It has wifi and transferring photos from camera to tablet and PC is very easy indeed.  So of course, I had to practice with this picture of the other really exciting shopping we did.




I tried a close up of the rug we chose.  It’s thick and very chunky and looks really good in situ, thankfully.  Isn’t it hard to choose these things?




Whilst I fiddled about, my hero fitted the poles and we unpacked the newly made curtains to hang on them.  Suddenly, what had been a small boy’s bedroom became a cool, contemporary space in which to read and relax.




Of course, it’ll always be our boy’s room, though, won’t it?




Oh, and arriving home from shopping,we found a note from the postman to say he’d left a parcel by the back door.  There, on the step, was a brown paper parcel tied up with string and sealing wax.  Whatever could it be?  The answer was a cute bear addition to the family, sent by sweet friends who had found him in the Grand Hotel and thought he needed a new home.

He was a good and patient model too.

Reader Comments (1)

Grand Hotel bear has a hint of Paddington. Do say where the hotel is, UK, Peru or ???

February 10, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLesley

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