I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Das ist das Haus vom Nikolaus



The Bernina blog posted this entry recently and for a short time, I considered basing our Christmas cards on this idea.  I thought it might be fun to punch the holes in the card, to enclose a piece of thread and challenge our friends to complete the puzzle.  A DIY card, then.  But then I thought how this is one of those things I have to learn all over again every time I do it and it can be frustrating to keep trying (and failing) when you know the answer is so simple.  I decided against the idea, you’ll be glad to learn.


(all 44 solutions on WIkipedia)


Thinking about this on St Nikolaus today, the 6th December (did you clean your shoes last night?) I found many references to the puzzle in German, but hardly anything in English, except for this useful resource (with one simple solution!)  I also came across the mathematical theory which underpins it – I knew nothing about Eulerian paths until now (and still don’t know much!)  I also discovered the next step of the puzzle…und nebenan vom Weihnachtsmann!




You’ll be glad to know that some routines from Nikolaus have been observed today, as well Winking smile

Reader Comments (2)

Now then! I've just completed the house on a card and found that you can be as neat on the back or inside the card as on the front. I've to see if I can do a tree the same way and avoid having to stick a modesty patch covering the reverse workings.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterLesley

It's good to see my little friends are getting ready for the holidays.

December 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterMary

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