I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Out and about




Chance to catch up with a good friend yesterday over lunch in one of our locals.  Having put the world to rights and making the most of the break in the weather, we browsed one or two of our favourite shops in the town before heading home.




Twig always takes the breath away with magical flowers placed in the most unusual settings. 




Rather more conventional flowers today, though.  We couldn’t believe our luck when, having battled the holiday traffic and fierce rainstorms on the M5, we were greeted by dry, almost-sunshine in Taunton.  For once, I wasn’t judging but there as an invited guest, too.




We loved the sempervivum display!




I enjoyed the local craftsmanship, too.  Cute, eh?




Though I’m never sure about chrysanthemums – something about the smell of the leaves, I think.




The flower tent was busy but thankfully, not so much that we couldn’t get close to the exhibits.




This had to be my favourite colour combination though, in just the right proportions, too.




Of course, my Hero had to tolerate my needing to read every comment in the competition tent, though sadly, not everything received any encouraging feedback.




Some entries got more feedback than they wanted, I suspect, having read this list of criticisms.  I don’t think they were written by a WI judge; at least, I hope not!




Last but not least, the best board in the show. 


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