Sioe Frenhinol Cymru

Shortly after 7.15am this morning, as some of the competitors were enjoying their early morning beauty treatments, I made my way through an already busy showground to report for duty.
It was a beautiful morning and I’d really enjoyed the drive over from Glasbury, parking my car on a hill overlooking the showground and thinking that a hat and some sunblock might have been a good idea today instead of the cardigan I’d thrown in my bag at the last minute. I love the early morning before the crowds arrive and was glad to have time to stand and watch some of the preparation for the day ahead.
Not much activity in the sheep pens though and a definite air of peace and quiet remained there for now. Not for long, I suspect.
My work was waiting in the exhibition hall, where the winners of the federation rounds were competing for the Rose Bowl with their interpretations of a “Secret Garden”.
But first things first – a cup of tea and a biscuit in the Cwtch. Isn’t that a great sign?
It’s such fun working amongst friends and having the chance to catch up with my Welsh WI chums was a delight. Once I’d finished my part of the judging, I went out into the sunshine to see what was what.
My eye was caught by the Dyfed-Powys Police stand – or rather, their tractor with blue flashing lights! I chatted a while with one of their “specials”, about my father in law and the family connection with the constabulary, wondering what Richard would have made of it all now? Police tractor indeed…!
There were loom bands galore today and the craze definitely continues here.
But the real “hot” product? Orthotics . Looks like wearing those ballet flats and flip flops is beginning to catch up with people and there were several stands around the showground selling a variety of products to treat the condition. Interesting!
I don’t speak Welsh though I love to hear it spoken and from time to time a translation brings a smile to my face. Had it not been alongside the English word, I’d have had no idea what “tatws” meant, but seen like this, all was clear! Does anyone call them “taties” any more?
By now it was getting really warm and after a spot of lunch – well, roast Welsh lamb and all the trimmings of course – it was time to return to the hall to check the winners and to meet the competitors.
Now, that can be scary. There’s always the fear that one of them is going to harangue one of the judges for not awarding as many marks as they’d hoped for. Or maybe to point out something we’d missed. But when the winning team from Ceredigion arrived, they were so thrilled with their first place we needn’t have worried! It’s lovely to witness their elation and it’s a good reminder of how much is resting on those few bits of craftwork, cookery and flowers and how important it is for us to get it right. Of course, it’s only a bit of fun – or is it?
By this time, it was well into the afternoon and mindful of the journey home, I decided it was time to leave. Not before this cute little bunch had crossed my path, however! Isn’t it a great setting for a show, here?
I took the same route back to the car park, watching the next generation learn the tricks of the trade.
Time to go home.

Reader Comments (1)
Learn a little something every day. Welsh word cwtch, pronounced cutch as in clutch without the l. Did you put your judging remarks in Welsh as well? The police tractor had a dog bowl beside the wheel how kind for visiting dogs.
I shall attempt to use cwtch today!