Are we there yet?

Beautiful green fields offset by a blue sky with a few fluffy clouds is exactly what we’ve been waiting for. Is Summer here now?
Since I wrote the previous post, we’ve had more downpours and a couple of dreary days which have set the theme for almost every conversation around here. This morning, the greeting of choice in the car park, at the dentist, in the supermarket – everywhere – was “Isn’t it a beautiful day today?" followed by “wasn’t it awful yesterday?”
We are thankful for sunny days!
For farm shop gooseberries which made a fantastic crumble, even if I do say so myself.
We’re glad that our soft fruit is adorned with Union Jacks again.
And we’re pleased to be able to take a cup of tea and sit in the garden, watching the bees go about their business.
Not to mention the other inhabitants of the neighbourhood, who consider that our garden is their garden too.
As usual, we find the pace building as the week goes on. It’s the weekend of the Stuart Singers Summer Concerts which means the adrenaline is rising around here. I’ve been busy at work, learning rather a lot about blacksmithing and dowsing in the process and there are all of those pre-holiday things to slot in like hairdressing appointments, dental checkups and the like.
We’re counting down the days and looking forward to some road trip jollity next week but right now, the lists are getting longer rather than shorter and I haven’t quite got myself into the travelling frame of mind just yet.
Thankfully, I’m not in that frame of mind, either. Christmas? In early June? You must be joking…

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