Rich and varied days

One of the joys of a road trip!
We left Buffalo this morning, bidding the City Hall farewell and taking the chance to snap a last picture with the light in a better direction than previously. Isn’t it magnificent?
We left the city on our favourite US20, heading out through the suburbs and out along the Lake Erie shore.
Our first stop was one of those places which we’ve read about and yet, had no idea what to expect. The Kazoo Company in Eden, NY has been making them since they were invented and our visit was fun and also rather interesting. It’s a small place with maybe 15 – 20 employees, mostly people with some learning disability, as the two women who run the gift shop explained.
Half an hour later, having watched the process of manufacture, learned a little of the history and how to play the kazoo, we left with our purchases (Oh yes!) and continued on our way.
Feel free to report this driver who was on his phone for the several miles he was in front of us, texting or facetiming, but certainly not concentrating fully on his driving. He was one of several drivers we noticed today; thankfully spotting them in time to keep well out of their way.
The wide open dairy farming landscape changed as we headed west, into the wine growing region of NY state. We passed acres of vineyards and small wineries offering tastings. No, we weren’t tempted – we had too far to travel.
Our next stop was Jamestown; a clue to the main reason for our stopping here is in the picture above (though I am too young to recognise it, too )
It was the birthplace and home of Lucille Ball and the town has many references to her as well as a small museum and visitor centre, which we enjoyed. It’s here where the annual Lucille Ball Comedy Fest takes place and where annual conventions involve hordes of lookie likies.
In taking a photograph of the mural way down the street, I also captured the Erie Railroad bridge for my Hero – though I think he found better images on the internet (hardly surprising).
Onward then, through Chataqua County, home to the Chataqua adult education movement, which, I learned, was a system of travelling lecturers, bringing knowledge and performance to people living in rural America in the late 19th and early 20th century.
We crossed the state line and drove into Pennsylvania, past signs alerting us to Amish buggies on the road, though there were none to be seen today.
A little further, our next stop appeared on the signpost. We had Conneaut on our map, and knowing it to be just inside Ohio, I got my camera at the ready to snatch a shot of the sign.
I know.
The White Turkey Drive In was our reason for stopping. Thankfully, not too busy, we pulled up and stepped out onto Ohio ground for the first time – kerching!! My 35th state, I believe?
Someone’s Root Beer Float was a little larger than he imagined, but was declared one of the best!
With the afternoon half gone, we took the Interstate for the last part of our journey to make it to Cleveland in reasonable time. Another grand city awaits our exploration and we have plans for tomorrow which include a similarly rich variety of experiences to look forward to.
I’m also thankful to report that I found a note on our bed when we arrived.

Reader Comments (1)
Somewhere recently you passed by, not too close, Binghamton. Did you wave at the sign for me? There were still Chatauquas when I was a child. They were amazing with all sorts of entertainment that we never saw outside of them.
Tell you Hero i LOVED that rootbeer float and I hope he drank every bit. I'm going to have to go to the Shake Shack to get one. You planted the bee in my bonnet.