..and what wasn’t

Of course, there were plenty of other treasures we simply had to leave behind. Not only the quipu in the antique stall on Pisac market, but also a few pieces of rather lovely textiles too.
Our hotel in Urubamba had a huge bathroom and either side of the free standing bath were long ottoman-style stools upholstered in this rather lovely (hand?) embroidered fabric.
The fabric itself is wool – or alpaca, maybe – and the embroidery worked in similar yarn. Mostly french knots or similar, there were other pieces of this work for sale in the shop on site and also in the more expensive gift shops. Scarves and shawls as well as cushions were worked in this style but though I admired the work, the price of such pieces was pretty hefty. And whilst I don’t doubt the work to be authentic and traditional, for some reason, it didn’t say “Peru” to me. I suspect, too, that it would look all too juicy to our Gloucestershire moths as well
There was a similar technique worked on the cushions in our room, but this time worked on velvet fabric. I recognise the french knots of course, but the lines? Raised chain band do you think?
Finally, I resisted any temptation to bring home a piece of costume, however fun and authentic it might be. It was a good opportunity to take a closer look though!

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