Suddenly, it’s our last day here

Here we are, Friday already. Our cruise ship leaves tomorrow, so today was the last opportunity to do all of those things which we’ve been putting off until later. Like going to the drugstore for one or two bits and pieces, including a packet of travel sickness pills.
Have we ever needed them before? Well, no.
Do we think we’ll need them this time? Well, not really. But we heard that our ship has a malfunctioning stabiliser system and the Captain has advised everyone to be prepared.
So we did. Prepare, that is.
But come on. Life’s too short to spend worrying about such things and Jane and Allan’s great idea to take us to the Morikami garden was the perfect thing to do on a beautiful Friday morning.
Such a beautiful place, so peaceful and miles away from the bustle of Boca Raton in spirit, even though it’s just off the main highway. We were fortunate too, to wander around the garden when it was almost empty. What a haven.
And yet, one of my favourite things was the noisiest corner of the park; the bamboo. This small corner of the garden clattered in the breeze as the tall stems of bamboo crashed against one another with a hollow and rather peaceful sound, if there could be such a thing. Very Japanese!
Rather than take you around the garden step by step, let me simply share one or two favourite sights, then. Just a little further on from the bamboo was this beautiful tree, covered with pink blooms, each one around six inches in diameter. Have I any idea what it is? Not at all. But isn’t it extraordinary?
I liked the shadows which were formed by some of these plants as well. What lovely shapes there were, forming on the pathway.
Speaking of lovely shapes, there were a couple of raked gravel gardens too. These were interesting – if difficult to photograph effectively – and the patterns carefully created. One of our party made her own rearrangement of one small area, but thankfully, all was well
Each peaceful corner offered another photo opportunity and, if we lived closer, then this would be somewhere to return frequently. We loved it.
As usual, it’s the small details which make the difference; details such as the cut out on this bench. So simple,yet so expressive, especially when the pattern and texture behind the bench creates such an interesting design. I’ve seen Fuji-san represented in so many ways and count this one amongst my favourites!
Suddenly, on the way back to the museum building, this sign reminded us we weren’t in Japan any more. Hmmm.
A deli sandwich lunch was further confirmation – delicious!
Then, one final stop at the supermarket on the way home, where one small corner of a shelf is forever British. But what a curious selection is stocked there – flavours of home which clearly mean a lot to some people and which are worth importing. Yes I’m not sure they are the things I’d choose to pick out as “special” – what do you think?
Tonight, having put a couple of loads of washing through the machine, we’ll be packing our bags and preparing for the next stage of the trip. What a great time we’ve had here, though!
Oh, and buying that travel sickness medicine was a good precaution, too. We heard tonight that the missing part is expected to be fitted tomorrow, so fingers crossed, the stabilisers will all be working perfectly by the time we set sail!

Reader Comments (1)
Fair Winds and Following seas for your cruise; look forward to reading more ES blog posts.