So much to learn

I’m making progress with my LSNED project though some days offer more opportunities for learning than others.
Take yesterday, for example, when I enjoyed a lovely day at Moreton Show. Once I’d completed my work judging the crafts in the Home and Garden marquee, I set out for my favourite corner: the Livestock arena.
I spent a happy hour or more, learning a little about judging cattle from the grey haired gentleman in the photograph, who was giving an excellent commentary as the judge did his work. Don’t worry, though, I have no intention of broadening my specialism!
Taking photographs to record the entries I’d judged earlier proved that I still have a bit to learn when it comes to composing an image, too!
Walking around the show is a great opportunity to admire the skills of others, even if I’m not really inspired to grow enormous vegetables.
All of this is a strong contrast to what I learned on Friday, though, when I realised that there is a difference between a pivoting table
and a pivot table
I have so much to learn.
Reader Comments (5)
OK, so I looked up Pivot Table and I still don't know what it is OR WHY!
I love the pictures of the cattle - I have not been to a livestock show for over 30 years!
DH tried to teach me to use the pivot tables a couple of weeks ago - after 2 hours I felt like I had been pivoting and was spinning out of control. Needed cups of tea to recover.
Your choice of spread sheet for testing and learning looks intriguing - are you trying to give Eurostat a run for its money?
Lesley and Marianne, it's reassuring to know that I'm not alone in my struggle to understand the basics of pivot tables - thank you! Marianne, the example I offered was simply taken from the O'Reilly site - I didn't feel it was appropriate to post our Adult Education data online, so you'll simply have to believe me when I say that I still found it confusing. For me, it was quicker/easier to simply get the list of courses, achievements, attendance or whatever and count them even though I knew that there was some clever way of coming up with the same answer by means of the pivot table! I try really hard to keep up but at times, I have to admit defeat. (For now?)
it must be SAR time - A virtual hug is on it's way.
Ha, Jacquie, how did you guess?! (been there, done that, have you, then? ;-)