I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









« Sunny Saturday | Main | We’re going on a Gnome Hunt »



The colours in the garden are great right now.




Fresh greens, creamy whites and that particular shade of blue.  Love it.




But whereas some areas of the flowerbeds are brimming over with luxuriant growth, in other parts, we’re still awaiting the final bloom.  There are plenty of buds there, but oh my, how long it’s taking for them to burst open.  We think it’s at least three weeks later than usual.




Whilst doing my little once over this morning, I spotted this lovely colour combination.  I’d like to take the credit for planting the clump of white poppies with the purple and green centre next to the purple sage, but really, it was mere luck.




The centre is gorgeous, isn’t it?




There’s a little flash of purple at the base of the iris stems too, and though he thinks we haven’t spotted him, he’s sadly mistaken, wouldn’t you say?




I picked a pale pink rose to bring indoors without realising that it was a good match with my top, as well.  I’d planned a morning in the kitchen, baking an emergency cake with some leftover peaches and a pack of blueberries I found in the fridge.  Looking for a link to that foolproof and very popular Nigel Slater recipe, I came across this post, which makes interesting reading, since it appeared that we had both elderflowers and tulips in the kitchen at the same time just a couple of years ago!




Whilst there, I spotted these cherries which were begging to be used, so I gathered together the ingredients for a clafoutis.  Not wanting to wear a purple polka dot top made by the cherry juice spatters, I went in search of a pinny.  Of course, I finished the lot with not so much as a single splash of juice on my front.  You know what would have happened if it’d not covered up, don’t you?

It was just about warm enough to enjoy our lunch outside in the garden, too.

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