I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Now, where were we?




We were playing with the Gocco printer when the screen went black.  As a result, I had to limit my efforts to some artwork already prepared and (over)used previously, but never mind, at least the little thing was out of the box and being used.  In taking the photograph too, I recognised what I love about printing: that repetition and being able to stand the prints one in front of the other and see the click-click-click of the design.




The neon strips were as a result of playing with the latest purchase, referred to here and which made a timely arrival on Monday afternoon, mid print, so to speak.




Hardly out of the box before they were filled with zingy colours and splodging, dripping and daubing their way across the paper.  Love them!




Elsewhere, I managed to print my fingernails slightly which didn’t bother me too much because I’m in two minds about the colour, which seemed like a good idea at the time!




And whilst one old computer sits forlornly on the floor of the studio, awaiting some fate yet to be decided, the other one is fired up and running.




Right now, I’m dreaming of the day when I can simply open a program and not have to tweak all the settings and options.  When I don’t have to enter a password because it has remembered it from last time and when all those seamless little processes we take for granted so easily, are seamless once again.  Maybe that will be tomorrow?  But I have yet to open itunes, or sync my phone…




There was a bonus in the form of a cleared cupboard, though, because whilst my hero worked on my PC, I had a bit of a clear out.  After all, no-one will ask me to produce the minutes of a meeting held in 2002 will they?  Or a credit card statement from November 2004?  I hope not!




Whilst we toiled in the relatively cool studio, the warmth of the sun brought out the first rose of the summer.

Peace has returned to this small corner and we have regained control of the machines!

Reader Comments (3)

I can't get enough printing. I just don't take the time to start because then I don't stop! I love prints. The time I spent today going through the polaroid Image Transfers was another form of printing and I loved looking at all of them in one spot. Glad your Hero got the computer sorted. I am dreading that but I know the day is coming for me too. I have a notebook with all my various passwords written down in old fashioned ink on my desk against that day. PS.. what are you thinking of feedly? Mine is all out of whack with my current google reader so I am trying to figure out how that happened... sigh. WHY is GOOGLE DOING THIS TO ME????????

June 20, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterjordi

When a newer Hon. Secretary lost the Minutes Book that had the Signed copy pasted in there was a suggestion that I could replace them all back some 10 years! No chance. No way.
Here in France we often have to give proof of our existance by providing a less than three month old Electricity bill. Ours is sent online and we print it ourselves if required, but I'm sure some hotshot computer photoshop jockey could come up with some false documentation. By Law we have to keep Bank details for 5 or 6 years. No wonder we have to have a filing cabinet for all this old stuff.

June 21, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLesley

As someone who is trying to be a "serious" blogger, Google is giving me fits too and from what I'm reading in the blogosphere, I am not alone. I'm consulting with a local (i.e. New Jersey) supposed web guru on Monday to tweak my site and to try to figure out how one replaces feed burner.

PS: Roses have been out in Philly for at least a month (I think). Now we're being dazzled by day lilies and hydrangae.

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