Lunch for two

…though we were expecting more.
We aren’t too sure what’s happened, but expecting friends for lunch, I was up early to get the pavlova base in the oven. My hero laid the table with the best cutlery and glasses and the white wine was chilling in the fridge. I’d decided to make one of our favourite lunch recipes – Gordon Ramsay’s Chicken Biryani – perfectly simple but tasty one pot wonder which is a reliable dish for this kind of occasion. So, from time to time during the morning, I stopped what I was doing and fiddled about in the kitchen.
The Biryani was looking and tasting good. We were getting hungry! But no sign of our friends.
At two o’clock, my hero made the decision. He couldn’t wait any longer and quickly swapped the best cutlery and china for our ordinary, everyday family things. After all, no point in using the handwash-only stuff when we can use the dishwasher! Yes, welcome to everyday life!
The same went for the wine! The “good stuff” went back into the fridge and we finished off a couple of almost empty bottles which were left over from the last couple of days. We feel a little bereft and of course, are wondering what’s happened. Did they forget? Have the wrong date? Get lost? Stupidly I’ve deleted the email I had with her phone number…so I have no immediate way to make contact. I guess – hope – all will be revealed in the next couple of days.
Suffice to say, there’s a whole Pavlova and a sizeable portion of the biryani left!
Whilst out in the garden this morning, I noticed the wide gap which has opened up in the border on the valley side of the lawn. It leads neatly to the path which someone/thing is treading regularly right now.
Though actually, I was out in the garden to take a photograph of the cornflowers. Perhaps you didn’t read Maggie’s comment about them the other day? She’s raising the profile of Parkinsons UK by giving cornflower seeds to her neighbours and friends to grow.
They really are a magnificent colour, aren’t they? Go Maggie!
Reader Comments (2)
That meal looks delicious.... Biryani is one of my favourites.
Very rude to let you know.
We have a path that goes diagonally across our garden and have to leave a hole in the corners for escapees. We think fox as the cats that pass through use the path!